The Germans need opposition. Nik being too busy with real life asked me to paint his WW1 forces.
British, Old Contemptables, ready for action. Mostly painted while I
was running a competition at Boards and Swords hobbies this weekend!
First unit with machine gun
The thin khaki line
It really is impressive how well British uniform blends in
Hopefully I've done them justice
There is a lot less British infantry than German units
But then the mad minute would even that out
Plus they have friends, only two per battalion
Still enough to make the enemy think
Two cavalry units with Machine guns in support
Player's view
British gun line
Something atmospheric about this one
Top view
Yes, there is a red cap in there
The British batch
Hi all, As the months go on, I am finding more random stuff that does not fit into any catagory is creeping it's way up to the surface of my lead mountain. I decided a few years back, rather than just throw it back like one of Nobby's escaped socks, I would actually paint some of them Claudia the animal handler, Bowie and Marcella the Monster Hunter from Bad Squiddo Back view Side on Mimic from Bad Squiddo Gribbly Sushi? Catch of the day! Another Grenadier 1984 from Brian's collection - possible Flesh Golem? Pants! Quick job, but fun TT Combat Halfling adventuers, a barbarian, a fighter, a ranger (with squirrel), a mage, and a bard (with bagpipes) Rough bunch Distancing themselves from the Bard! Fireball! Really random. Converted GW 1990s halfling on a...
Awesome job Will - they look great; thanks again for getting these ready for the table :)