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Adeptus Titanicus: my first game.

 Wednesday night and Cliff at the Leighton Buzzard club was kind enough to take me through the basics of Adeptus Titanicus. I used to play the original version back in the 90s vs Colin in Shrewsbury (Hi Colin if you are out there). Having seen several games at the club, I took the plunge and painted up some Titans. Now time to take them for a walk and see what they can do... 

Both of us are running chaos forces, me in purple, and my mighty opponent in green. Cliff and I positioned some terrain on my matt, the old Kill Team building look good at this scale, plus
Cliff had some hills and smaller buildings too. We deployed matched titans for this first encounter.
Deploying, Cliff's knights were central, and his Warhounds and Reaver were on the right. My knights, Brad and Janet, matched him, Colombia (my central warhound), Magenta and Riff-Raff (my other warhound and my Reaver) deployed on the right.

Riff had an early view on the opposing reaver, but his early shots bounced off those shields, whereas our sheilds had more holes in than my sanity and quickly the shots went through..

A long range dogfight erupted over the wall between the Warhounds, the Reavers plugged away at each other, and my knights and Colombia moved left of the building to try and flank the green titans (after all, it's just a step to the left)...

The knights charged each other, but one of the opponents was shot down on the way in.

The enemies knights did not last as Brad and Janet charged and eliminated the others before they could harm us.

Riff was taking a large amount of hits to his body as all three of Cliff's titans concentrated upon him.

And Riff fell. His service over.

The other Reaver was in trouble too, it had been knocked askew due to a series of leg hits, and then my knights tried to charge in (they failed their order) so just ambled in instead.

The massive mech turned to face, and swung its might foot to boot to stamp on the knights, trying to kick them out of the way. Thankfully, it missed! Colombia looks on, snarling and pumping teh Reaver full of plasma shots.

Janet and Brad finished off the Reaver with their lances, taking out his legs. The titan shut down, immobile and innoperable, swaying, creaking, ominously in the breeze). The two knights charged, Brad was finished off by fire from the warhound, and Janet was left on her own, injured but not out of it, yet.

The warhounds then began a game of cat and mouse, or dog and dog. Magenta managed to get behind one, while Colombia snuck behind a building and Janet leaped in for another attack.

The enemy warhound sparyed Janet down with flames from their flamethrower, she needed a 6 to save, and lo! Our Chaos god was mightier than his!

Janet finished off the warhound with a mighty blow of her lance, she has killed two knights, a reaver and a warhound thus far!

The Reaver, caught by a stray blast of my flamethrower and it toppled down on to Colombia, who saved her single hit, somehow! The lone enemy warhound was now being targetted by both Magenta and Colombia.

The fire was so intense, it destroyed the enemy warhound, which blew itself apart!
In fact, it blew itself apart with so much force that Janet was blasted from the battlefield.
(Bad artist's impression)

This left my two warhounds in possession of the battlefield. What a fight! what a game!

It was a superb game, really enjoyed the rules, and it was full of laughs, in fact it was hilarious. About as much fun as you can have with your clothes on! Cannot wait for the next game. Thank you Cliff.


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