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Burrows and Badgers - attack on the camp

Matilda the ferret shook her head,  wiping the blood off from behind her ear.
"I don't understand why I'm the one who is always the first hurt." she moaned.
Sir Dereck held out a paw to help her up from the ground. "Must be something about you."
"We had them cornered, caught by surprise at their camp, a new gang in the area, should have been easy pickings."

"Gotta admit, odd place to camp," Smalls added, looking at the statue of the fallen mouse hero that the other gang had slept around, "I'd 'ave gone for one of the 'ouses meself."
"Not all of us believe breaking and entry should not be a crime Smalls!" the fallen knight grinned, "the plan was good, and Neddy hitting that hound, what was he called?"
"Didn't he used to work at the chip shop?"
"Anyway, Neddy hitting Elvis with a crossbow bolt at long range was impressive, and certainly signalled out intentions."
"'e scampered to get his gear a bit quck didn't he!"

"Wouldn't you? The whole gang scrambled backward pretty quick to be honest, if only we had had a flier to stop them!" Sir Dereck mused.

Sir Dereck twiddled his whiskers in thought, "Their hedgehog..."
"Which one, there were LOADS!"
"Their hedgehop mage, she was a bit capable, launching a lightning bolt at Neddy, followed by their hedgehog archer trying to tun him into a pin cushion, nasty team work."
"Would've been worser if that archer was in range, but Neddy was soon quaffin' 'his healing potion."

"It was quite a gang, an armoured hare, a squirrel rouge who was dual weilding, a hedgehog mage, TWO more hedgehog warriors, a mole and a hound," Matilda mused. "We were somewhat outnumbered."

"That hare, Sir Ruldolph O'Hare was it? Knew him on the Crusdaes, really good fighter, charged straight in on Teddy. Good thing Teddy was able to block him ." Sir Dereck sat on the grass next to Matilda, thoughtfully pulling a strand and chewing on it.

"I didn't even spot the hedgehog that had hidden in the rubble pile as I waited for Eddy to catch up," Matilda took out her water bottle, "they were quite sneaky." as she took the cork out.

"Think you might have been distracted by the arrival of Elvis," Sir Dereck interjected, "he put the hurt on you quite quickly".
"No, I was distracted by the mess that Eddy made of his charge on him, even the fates were not helping that mess!" Matilda tipped up the bottle, then looked in disgust at the hole sliced through the bottom of it, "Oh well, suppose it was better a bottle than me."
"Well, I fink I did the right thing, I got in there and attacked them in da middle!" Smalls boasted.
"No Smalls," Matilda chimed in, "you went and tried to help yourself to their loot stash, then they went for you to stop you taking their small change!"

Matilda mused "I ended up paired off aganst Elvis..."
"Thank you, while Eddy had to deal with that lurking hedgehog."

"Notice you left me to me self while you went after that 'are of their's, " Smalls moaned, "I even had their mage trying to 'it me at one point, but then she ran off."
"It's your fault for being greedy! You were wearing armour, you parried nearly every hit, you were fine, the danger was that hare, they're lethal!" Sir Dereck replied testily.

"Neddy and the hedgehog sniper were in an archer duel, after his first success against the hound, he just could not get his arrows in."

"We seemed to spend aaaagggees brawling in the middle, I know I hit that hare again and again, while Teddy was having to fend him off, he obviously did not care about fighting more than one of us, skillfull fellow, always was..." 
"Yeah, but that squirrel, he was nasty, kept nicking me wiv 'is blades. I coundna hit for toffee!"

"Thankfully, between us and my trusty ax, we took him down." Sir Dereck grinned.

"Neddy even hunted down their sniper, better than getting pincushioned at range." 
"Pincushioned, by an egog! What did she do, throw 'erself on 'im!" Smalls laughed.

"She soon scarpered away though." Smalls added.
"Much to Neddy's annoyance!"

"Eddy finally worked out which way round 'is hammer went, dinging that egog a good 'un on the noggin!" Smalls giggled.
"Pity Elvis was still getting the better of me, he's dangerous that dog!" Matilda added.
"Don't be cruel."

"Their mage was doing a great job standing off and healing that hound, every time I hit him she healed him. Definitely left me all shook up." Matilda added.

"That's when that dog took me down, I had wounded him a lot, but that mage's healing was a bit good." Matilda moaned.
"Eddy was on him quick though," Sir Dereck added, "A little less conversation helps."

"One smack from Eddy, and he was out the fight," Sir Dereck said, "he had you back."
"Elvis has left the building!"

"Soon had that mole out of the fight too, " Sir Dereck added, "it was all going our way."

"Still left me that dratted squirrel was still 'urting me!" Smalls moaned.
"He hardly scratched you Smalls!" Sir Dereck grinned.

"Well, are you going to say it?" Sir Dereck asked.
"Ohh, do I 'ave to?" Smalls moaned "Thank you for dealing with the squirrel. I think his new eye patch will suit him"
"Teddy was too busy chasing the sniper, never seen a hedgehog move that quick! Neddy sensibly stood back and shot." Sir Dereck added.

"Eddy decided the only thing to do was to hit the mage, stop her healing everyone."
"Everyone, it was only her and the sniper left!"
"That was it, they legged it." Smalls added, then a penny dropped, "Hold on, you took out three of their gang all by yourself, bit selfish!"
  "I like to keep myself busy," Sir Dereck grinned "So we racked in 25 pennies, loads of materials from the copper mining, and extra concelment in our next fight, nice lads! One thing, why did so many of us end up at the stone circle, I'm not complaining about six extra fate points, but all in one go, what was so interesting up there? Did no one become a mage? On the plus side, giving Teddy a +1 sword of leaching will be fun, noticed you lifted that off their horde Smalls."
"Why, it were pretty!"
"Yes, but it doesn't shut up!" moaned Matilda.
"Bit like it's finder!" laughed Sir Dereck.

Another top game, this time vs Stephen who was playing for the first time after painting his band during lockdown 3 (the sequal no one wanted), and really loved the mechanics. Nice to get the Stoat warband out again, think there will be a fair few more games to be played here too.


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