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10mm Saitic Egyptian vs 15mm Mitanni, Biblical Mortiem et Gloriam

Wednesday night, as the local G-class star set slowly below the horizon, Neil and I met at the newly reopened Leighton Buzzard Wargames Club to play Mortiem et Gloriam with our Biblical armies.

I was using my Saitic Egyptian, an all arms/heavy infantry list vs Neil who had brought along the 'Indusrty Standard' (ie lethal) Mitanni (36 skilled chariots, 6 skilled foot archers, some bow and spears, some spear with bows, same as Cid and I both ran at Warfare 2019, you know, back before the plague).

My list:

Strategic intercept on the terrain chart really helped, as I could choose from Standard or Coastal, or I could stick with my Standard or Coastal... oh.

Scouting, these were the cards Neil used after he equalled my 20%! So 7 units went down as 50% of 13.

Glory shot of my ruins acting as rocky ground, coz it looks cool!

And my ever growing town lurks behind, the battle would be fought on the plains between. Mitanni forces start to deploy.

As the sun glints off the needles outside the temple, it looks like the sun god is favouring them!

Both armies are deployed, does Amun-Ra shine on the holy?

The view from the Egyptian side. My plan was simple, chariotry and light horse on the right to act as a spoiling force until the central spear blocks coud pin the enemy chariots back, archers staying in the field and town, and my Egyptian spears staying waaaaaaaay back on the left as there are three TUG of skilled chariot archers out there! 

You know the old saying, no plan survives contact with the enemy...

On the initial move, two TuGs of Mitanni average chariots close on my Egyptian spears, while my mounted troops surge forwads attempting to pin back the superior Mitanni chariots.

Quote of the night from Neil "All I need is two skulls while I shoot at those horse!" That was EXACTLY what he got too, knid of summed up the night as we laughed!

This was a typical hand for me during the night, my plans of fast manouver somewhat came apart - cavalry command on the right with a white and two blacks when it needs to pull some funky moves, oops!

Which really left my chariots marroned and Neil able to get around them.

My mercanary foot approaches, but slowly, especially as Neil kept pulling his foot back!

On the left, my Egyptian spears advanced as Neil pulled his average chariots back. If he had chosen to just shoot, he could have torn this flank to pieces as apart from my skilled archers in the town, I had no reply to his mobility and firepower.

Neil charged my 6 of chariots, this is how I saw it going in my mind, but I did not skirmish, I had to run as he started at point blank range to my flank.

So it became a rear charge, which was going to hurt as these were superior in my back.

I only lost a base and a half, but I did a wound, which killed a base in return, phew, we got away with that!

Then I turn the two chariots in contact, as that was all I could do with my cards.

On the left, my superior Egyptians, guided in by Ptepic and Ptracie and cause a kill and a wound on a trapped chariot unit (superior charging short spear vs shooting average chariots is +2).

There was a unit of chariots there 30 seconds ago! 5 bases of skilled shooting vs superiors hurts, especially when you have no cards to run away with (0-2).

A few moments later and Neil's 4 of superior chariots also broke (2-2),. However, my unit was already pretty beaten up. 3.5/6 left and a general, eek! Would they last?

In fact, despite being up in the charge and the combat, the chariots rolled REALLY badly and fled, leaving a unit of spears in contact. All my spears had taken wounds, even with shield cover they were being gunned down.

That's how effectie Neil's shooting was! 3 skilled, 2 experienced, many many wounds, leaving a very very brittle unit of spears next door.

A unit of average chariots tries to shoot the gap, my skilled bows target them (I thought they were superiors when shooting, so hence the white dice as white plus, matters not, as I still did 3 wounds and a LOT of slows).

My spears fail to harm Neil's chariots, while he strips out the rear rank on one file. The CinC even tried to join in.

On the left, a massive mistake. My archers had their flank hanging in the breeze, and Neil had a unit of chariots spare and they swung towards them like the pendulum over the pit (I had polished off the other chariots off though 4-2).

I saw in opportunity, my beaten up spears had a chance of hitting Neil's chariots flanks. Neil had the deck so chose where to attack, and he used his spears to charge and break mine (4-4).

Back to the left, the flank charge goes in on my bows, this could be massively unpleasent, Neil was on at least +5 (+4 for flank, +1 for loose in the open). I missed, Neil rolled a wound!

The slow fight of the chariots and spears continued, it's a slow grind.

My bows, being protected, quite happily turned to fight the chariots, and turned to face, while my Egyptian spears rushed to help out, 8 bows vs 6 chariots on equals, a good challange. One unit of my spears contacts Neil's in the centre and I finally took out the chariots on the right. (6-4)

My Egyptian spears contact the flank of the chariots, and did heaps of damage.

Those engaged spears are caught in the rear by Neil's chariots. This was going to be disastrous.

So disasterous in fact that my spears brokem and the resulting KAB test on their neighbouring unit caused them to disintergrate too! (6-8) On the plus side, I did break the chariots that had attacked my bows (8-8).

And my final spears unit were shot away, leaving my army in tatters to the Mitanni (8-15).

Quite a game, my dice on the right had been atrocious, several times I was up and should have taken out Neil's forces, but I missed. I also had naff cards for most of the game, so pulling 8 points out of that was a really good effort by my boys. Neil had a lot of brilliant shooting that really took its toll too, he played it exellently and ever the gentleman, Neil was unlucky not to tear apart both flanks. Still, a great game, and what a brilliant night back at the club.


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