Last week's game, it was my turn, I had figures sitting round that have not been used yet, so I thought well, let's do something different!
The game was run with a modified 1 Hour Wargames card driven set up for activation and combat (all good guys had to activate at least once card draw, as they were working cooperatively (we hoped). Aces low, face cards worth 11, 12, 13 repectiely, maximum of two draws each before the enemy could then activate, so it was possible for one player to get away with a lot of action before the fourth got their turn. Also, Jokers normally end go, but if they are drawn when a character is attacking/using their abilities, several events could happen). All room sizes were randomly generated (rooms were d12 x d6+1 with d4 doors unless a special room) and monsters were randomly generated on a card pull (some sending me off into speacialist tables I had written, such as undead, goblins, monsters).Mark, Ralph and Clive joined us remotely from Shropshire via WhatApp, and Pete from Leicester was roped in too, so what happened?
The Liberation of The T’mpl’ of S’ssl’k.
Player's brief:
The High Priestess is away on Pilgrimage, and the T’mpl’ of S’ssl’k has been desecrated by hideous creatures during her absence. They have moved in, desecrated the holy site, extinguished the ‘trn’l fl’m’.
The cleric G’db’th’r’r has assembled a party to return the h’ly f’r’ of T’m’t to relight the ‘trn’l fl’m’. The cleric and his ‘c’l’t’s will need guarding from these hideous despoilers, and then also the monsters that prey upon them. When the mission is a success, then the High Priestess will be summoned to return to cleanse the rest of the holy site.
You have reached the threshold of the Temple complex; it is now up to you to get the fl’m’ relit, clearing any obstacles in the way.
Forces of Liberation:
Sp’rkl’yf’ng’rs the M’g’ – a decent magic user. No real specialism but can do lots of ‘unexpected stuff’.
P’ckm’l’ the ‘ppr’nt’c’. – a learner mage, mostly here to carry bags/spell books/components. Not to be trusted with complex magic, ideas, words or breathing!
Plus, two grunts armed with mixed weapons, basically gophers and carriers.
(A powerful, but as Ralph would find out, unpredictable, group. Ralph, cottoning on to the naming convention named them P'nky and P'rky, P'nky has the big spear, and is now P'nky the P'ker).
St’bb’ The ‘ss’ss’n – nasty chap, expert in stabbing and poisons. Armed with poisoned daggers.
C’tt’ the ‘ss’ss’n – nastier chap, expert in ‘inhuming with extreme prejudice’. Armed with throwing axes and poisoned daggers
L’gg’ the Sc’’t – good at finding his way and tracking, not a bad shooter and fighter. Armed with a sword and bow.
(a small, but very powerful group)
Bl’dg’n the K’ll’r – General in the making, known killer and lots of authority of troops. Has a weird sword, or does the sword have him?
Sl’tt’r the Sl’tt’r – well hard thug with spear/flag/flayed skin.
Plus, three heavier grunts armed with mixed weapons and shields, and two more lighter troops with shields, daggers and slings.
(Quite a large force, Mark could draw two cards for actions each turn to get his group to work as long as Bl'gn'n was in range, such was his charisma).
G'db'th'r the Cleric, carrying the 't'rn'l fl'm'.
Two 'cl't's with clubs.
(Small but powerful group, with clerical and healing powers)
Yes, they are all Kobolds! Usually the cannon fodder and annoyance of any dungeonering party, these guys become tonights heroes! Love the Rebel Mini's sculpts and had been looking for an excuse to use them for ages.
Card draws:
Joker is end of go, unless a named character is attacking, when a special effect might happen before the end of the go.
Opposition will activate when all four players have used all their action points.
Example activation points:
Single character move 1 point
Second or subsequent move by character 4 points
Shoot 1 point
Pick up/interact with object or open door 3 points
Batter an object 4 points.
Cast spell/miracle depends on what you want to do.
Aces are low. Jack is 11, Queen 12, King 13 action points.
Mark: Batter an object? Do we need to bring ingredients? Do we pan fry or is a deep frier provided? Is there an alternative for intolerant people?
Me: You're not halflings... Sounds like you've got a chip on your shoulder, is your brain fried?
Mark: Chips? To go with our battered object? 😀
(This level of chat goes on all night between actions, details have been omitted to save the reader's sanity, I have included some of the choice chats for fun and flavour)
Ralph (seeing Mark's mob): That's an army!!
Me: Does say Bl'dg'n is a general in the making.
As the party enters the temple, three doors branch off a short, narrow corridor.
Mark: I wondered where my old d&d floor plans went! (They are actually borrowed off my neighbour Mort, but I thought it would be cool to use as 80s floor plans to go with 80s figures.)
The party decided to send the Scout first followed by assassins as they did not want then behind them, and G'db'th'r uttered a prayer to gain blessings from the Great God D’’r ‘p’n’r, while an theological debate happened between G'db'th'r and Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs:
Pete: He will show the way
Ralph: Isn't he a bit of a knob
Ralph: Door knob that is
Pete: It is nice and shiny
Ralph: As always
Clive decided that the Scout should go first follow by C'tt then St'bb, he made his way to the door at the end and listened at it. G'db'th'r'r and 'c'l't's held back hoping a fighter step up next, confident that the Gods would bless this holy mission. G'db'th'r'r and 'c'l't's got their cards, so stepped forwards and followed the guys at the doors. L'gg' legs it up the corridor and listens, a slight rustling, scratching in the distance.
An example of room generation, large room, 6x6 with a monster. The room would generate two doors too.
The party did wonder how Mark was going to fit his army on the board!! 'We need to find a bigger temple!' was uttered, but then we established that like all good adventures, the heroes of course know how too get in through a side door...
They tried to work out what that was in the corner?
Mark realised that being right at the back with the heavy hitter might not be the best move.
It was a despoiler thief, he may be carrying temple treasures!
(Yes, the despoilers were sneaky goblins) The Goblin, who had a turn, involved him turning tail and legging it into the next room.
Mark formed up his gang into a wedge formation. Bl'dg'r was front centre, Sl'tt''r on his right and behind, another fighter on the left behind. Stingers (we knew he meant slingers, but it was a cool name and it stuck), one on each flank other to fighers in second line
G'db'th'r'r and 'c'l't's formed behind them (with bandages in hand). They were only too happy to let them pass.
Mark: I thought I was at the back plan was to drive the chaff down the corridor soak up the hate.... oooops did I say that out loud?
Ralph: Yep we heard you
Clive: He's not a team player......
Me: He plays for team Bl'dg'n!
Mark: 😁👍
Mark's group moved down corridor and form up in same formation in other room and he ordered the Stingers to shoot.
One stinger had a line of sight. Thwack! The Gobbo thief see starts but isn't down.
Two goblin guards guard something interesting here in the same room.
Clive's team entered the room and turn left staying close to the wall and shadows heading to the door on the left wall.
Moving in single file L'gg' listened at the door, but he hears nowt. So with plenty of action points left, he fires at the right hand guard who is now wearing an arrow!!!
Clive: All the trendy guards are wearing one, Usually in the eye
Will: 🤣
(Goblins, being tougher than the majority of kobolds, all have two wounds).
Pete, back in the entrance corridor, ordered G'db'th'r'r and 'c'l't's advance boldly into the room on the right hand side, to beconfronted in a 1x1 room by the animated skeleton of a human! Guess everyone has skeleton's in the cupboard!
Ralph Baker: A Duuuuuuck
Pete very sensibly used his clerical powers to turn it. It crumbled back into a heap of bones.
Which Pete's characters had a rummage about and around it, but it was now just yucky, just bones and rusty stuff! No useful items this time.
Back in the room, Clive moved away from the door and fired with the scout while C'tt' opened the door.
L'gg' misses. The door opens to reveal a Goblin warrior, Clive was out of points, could anything be done about this monstorous despoiler....
Clive: Ok, did he see us? 😐
Me: Who knows... They're not as sneaky as you... And the door didn't creak
Ralph had a king, so with his 13 AP he brought Sp'rkyf'ng'rs and P'ckm'l up corridor followed by P'nky
and P'rky from the very back. Sp'rkyf'ng'rs opened the left hand corridor door, to be met by a giant rat!
Immediately, he unleashed a magic bolt, slaying the beast, and providing food for the tribe for at least a week! He was only aiming to stun it, but pulled a King - critical success - roast rat!
The corridor gobbo charged C'tt'r. FIGHT! C'tt;r took a wound.
The thief ducked behind guards
Mark only picked up 2AP, so slow turn, but decides that a Stinger should shoot a guard.
Slinger shot at nearest enemy, but missed.
Ralph had 7AP and Clive thought he was getting the rottisary out for the rat.
Ralph's group moves into room. Then Sp'rkyf'ng'rs opened door directly to front. P'nky slits rats throat just to make sure. "Yummy." Dinner is served. Clives suggested hanging it up to drain the blood, with a bucket underneath for it. Ralph claims he always liked a bit of black pudding. Good job we killed the rat.
Clive had 6ap and his two stab with poisoned blades while L'gg' shoots from the second rank. "Stabstabhacktwang!" and the Gobbo goes down...
And Clive still had 3ap. It was an arrow wat got im... after he had been stabbed several times! He sent
another arrow at the thief? "Twang... thunk... bugger missed."
Mark with 4ap moved Bl'dg'n, a thug, one slinger and one other head towards door.waited this side for others to catch up.
Ralph opened the nearest door to him, to find a fully armoured and tooled up Goblin Knight, he only had one AP left, so...
Ralph: Make the knight drunk.
Clive: Offer him whisky?
Ralph: All you want
Clive: I think he's too busy bashing you
Ralph: Not If he is drunk. Might stumble and fall. Cannot kill him with1 point of magic
1 point of magic will do this though! Especially with a critical success. The Gods of Magic misheard Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs, and instead of drunk, landed a DUCK on the knight!
Me: The knight is struggling under the weight...
Pete: Listen at the door in front of me. What do I hear
Ralph: Quack
Pete: 😂
Will: Quacking from behind you!
Pete's 'cl't' heard a shuffling, noise, so he spiked the door with the skeleton’s bones, which then meant he heard clanking and swearing in a language he did not recognise. This left him with 7 points. So he crossed to the 'duck' room and listened at the further door with one 'cl't' while the rest of his gang stops next to Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs.
However, the Goblin Knight struggles under the weight of the duck, but has rolled free.
Ralph: It's a duck roll!
In the large room, the two guards advanced, threatening Mark's split group.
Ralph had 3ap to use next, and decided to cast a spider's web over the struggling knight. Weaveweaveweavesplat!
My eldest daughter, Imi, immediately set to work as she knew EXACTLY what to do.
Quack! A spider's web appears, tieing down the Knight.
Or is it Q’’ck?
Clive had 4AP.
L'gg' squeezed past the others to head down the corridor to listen at the door. The other two follow and waited behind him. They could hear something is clawing and whining at the door...
Pete had 7 AP, so headed up to the door behind the duck and listened with G'db'th'r'r and 'c'l't's all praying as they went.
Ralph: 'hm 'hm 'hm
The prayers drown out 'cl't' last chance of hearing anything!
Pete: R’m’, r’m’
Ralph: So much for a silent order!
Pete: We are not a silent order.
Then Mark pulled an 8.
The rest of his group caught up and stingers shoot through door at those Guards there.....
Flooring one. Mark had one point left, so chose to hold still.
Clive pulled a Queen (but he's a happily married man, so turned her down), so had 12 points. C'tt'r and St'bb' prepare poisoned blades then L'gg' opened the door. Blades dripped in black ichor, the door creaked open, in a small room is a very upset wolf.
Completely to my surprise, Clive decided to let him run free. The wolf liked that and Clive's party gains a wolf!!!
Once he moved Clivs'e gang had enough points to move into the small room and open the to the right.
St'bb' and C'tt' both needed something to stab with those poisoned knives, they didn't want it to go off and ruin the blades.
Clive: Leaves the surface all pitted!
Ralph: A bit like super glue
Clive: Hours of sharpening and polishing.....
No wonder the wolf was upset, there is a guard dog here!
With 2 ap left, Clive did not have enough to move. He threw a dagger.
Clive: Sounds like it hit wood.
Ralph: Tight angle.
It was a miss. Joker. End of go.
The monsters activated, and the Dog charges Wolf.
The dog fails to bite wolf.
Back at the other end, the remaining goblin guard charges Mark's slingers.
One Stinger goes down heavily.
Pete drew 3AP. He could not get to the dog, as it was getting crowded!
Clive: There's no air in here! L'gg' feels a bit claustrophobic.
Pete opened the door to the front of him.
Revealing a Goblin Archer with a very long, open, line of fire!
Ralph continued his run of low cards with 2ap, and he decided to make the duck disappear.
Clive: Make the duck diss spear?
Me: Spear yo mumma is soooo fat...
Clive: 😂 and looks like a duck!
Ralph ordered Sp'rkyf'ng'rs to shrink the duck to size of a shrew. Oops! Fumble!
Ralph: All magic fails sometimes
The duck starts swelling...
Ralph: Good job no-one else is in room
Clive: I think you'll have to find another way round Ralph. (Pete being stuck behind the duck, had they noticed this?)
Clive: I think he is going to be squeezed out! (Phew, think they have)
Mark pulled an 8. Simple order, kill everything until it is well dead!
Bl'dg'n swings the sword back and...
He was about to order that, when the sword sends a pulse of energy through his body and he blacked out...
Clive: Who has blacked out?
Ralph: Not me unless magic has failed again
Clive: Mark maybe?
Me: Bl'dg'n, all around him is dark...
There are screams...
Unpleasant noises...
Mark: Who else?
Ralph: It's that mad sword.
Pete pulled a 3. and moved into the empty room in front of him. (The one with the goblin archer) and piled into him.
But the archer gets a shot off. One of the 'cl't's goes down, mortally wounded by a huge bolt.
Pete's 'cl't' gives him a holy bashing; but G'db'th'r swang the 'tr'n'l flame...
And misses.
Clive: Oh dear, someone best go rescue him.
Ralph: I will
Clive: You can't get past the duck Ralph.
Ralph: You watch me Clive
The duck continues to grow, magically changing colour as it does, meanwhiles, the dog misses again.
Back at the other end (blood splats added later for dramatic effect)...
Bl'dg'n regains consciousness, and notices his sword is humming to itself quite happily.
Mark: Excellent I am a GOD! Pick up the ring, put it on, put book in a bag or whatever. Go back to the
He staggered back towards the others, the ring was large, and felt warm. As he pops it on, the sword says "Ooohhh, not felt that since I was a dagger!"
Mark: Talking sword? Stormbringer? What about the book?
Me: You can read????
Clive pulled an 8, so everyone and his wolf laid into the hound.
The dog is bitten and stabbed to death.
Mark: Not worries about reading the book just yet, but did I bring up?
Me: You don't bring anything up Mark, but you do feel queasy.. You carry the book. It's heavy and thrumming.
Clive tried to send w'lf'' through the remaining door, but he only had points to open it, and this did not allow him to get through to behind the goblin for a tasty backstab though.
Mark drew another 7, gathered his (cowering) minions, who were visibly shaken by Bl'dg'rs return, refusing to look directly at him and shuffled back into order from the corners of the room they were trying to hide in. Bl'dg'r screaming: "YOU'RE GOD HAS COME! ALL QUAVER IN MY PRESENCE!"
Clive: Quaver? The crisp or the musical note?
Mark: The crisp. I like them
Ralph: Knowing my magic it could be either in a mispell
Pete: Yes the crisp
(They followed)
Ralph finally got a decent card, a King, 13AP. Spotting his potential to be possibly unlucky, the mage used all the points. Sp'rkyf'ng'rs planned to turn into a mist, move into room past duck and into goblin archer room, where he could transform back into a solid state and throws a stun bolt at goblin archer.
Great plan I thought, beautiful use of points too.
I drew cards, the mist spell was a success, but to move?
Fumble! (Ace)
P'ckm'l' sneezes...
Ralph: Excellent I am now a misty virus.
Pete: C’v’d
Ralph: I've got a phial of the vaccine luckily
Pete: 😂
Ralph: With P'ckm'l
So, having been snorted up his apprentice's nose, and shot out at a vast rate, he found himself moving exceedingly quickly and resolidified here....
(Random roll for distance and direction)
Pete drew a 9 card and sensibly decided to...
Pete: Keep bashing the goblin and then once out heal my 'c'l't's
Pete: I’m not sure that came out as I wanted it to say!
Me: Lol
Clive: No time for bashing the goblin 😀 There's fighting to be done!
G'db'th'r lands a good hit with the fl'm', setting the goblin on fire, however, the Gobbo manages to extinguish the flame before it does any extra damage. The spare 'cl't' smashes the distracted greenskin with his cudgel, bringing him crashing down, then kicked him again (in a delicate area) to make sure.
G'db'th'r felt the power of the flame burning through him. The downed 'cl't' jumped up, fully healed, and G'db'th'r can see the h'ly f'r' in his eyes, he was blessed by the god T'm't! (Critical success, Pete even gained 11 extra points
Pete: All hail T’m’t.Pete's crew Moved to open the door in front of them, stopping to listen first though. They heard...
High heel...
Size 8..
Patient leather...
Pete: It’s Venus in Furs
Clive: Patent
Me: Lola. Anyway, it is patient leather, it took years to die
Pete: Open the door slowly
Clive: To dye? Black?
Pete: No paint it black

A huge room, occupied by Giant rats, even R.O.U.S. One did not look too healthy.
Pete: Rats in 👠
G;db;th'r'r step into the room and turned the undead rat. This left one rat duely disintegrated.
The Monsters take a turn, and the rats scurry towards the Cleric and crew. One fetid set of jaws locked on G'db'th'r'r's ankle... That must have hurt!
Clive pulled a 7, and his group all headed to the far end of the room where the dog was. L'gg' stopped to listen at the double doors. He heard something, something like muttering.
Pete drew 7AP. The rest of his gang to helped to fight the rats.
He will be dining well tonight my scaly friends! Lots of rat, nicely tenderised.
He then healed himself of the rat bite. Another critical success, as T'm't favoured G'db'th'r. The group moved to the item in the centre of the room and fully healed, praised T’m’t and grabbed a bottle of blue sparkly liquid.
Pete cast sense evil, to which I replied: It's all around you. Mostly from yourself... So G'db'th'r tried to sense good.
He was not exactly not sure where the good is, but there was a lot of it...
Ralph secured 10AP, and apart from being dicombobulated from the nasel adventure, tried to regather his group (the best description of where Ralph's party was was 'All Over The Shop!') with his mage three rooms away from the rest of his party.
Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs decided to magically will all of his 10 points to G'db'th'r'r. There was no point in him moving. Problem was there was a lot of distracting blood spread around the room. Some of it sprayed
on the wall, it says 'Bl'dg'n w'z 'r'!'
Eight points gets to G'db'th'r'r, but Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs had a sudden, all encompassing. desire to leave this room, as if a great evil had happened here, so he did.
G'db'th'r'r picked the bottle up and moved to the double doors and listened with his group. There he heard chanting...
Not in any language he knew. Slowly, they opened the door and peeked a look inside, silently thinking "Murder Hobos where are you?"
Clive: I'm ready to burst in!
Three monsterous creatures are worshipping at the once holy shrine of T'm't and where her 't'rn'l fl'm' should be, a strange magic swirls and splutters.
Their focus is entirely on worship, they miss the door opening.
Clive: Praying to the great ashtray
Pete: They are worshipping a giant Gu cheesecake
Me: P'dd'ng b'wl!!!
G'db'th'r'r tried to cast protection from good and T'm't listened, soon G'db'th'r'r glowed with dark
energy. They rushed in as a group and attacked the foul monsters while chanting T’m’t's name. One wound was caused on nearest chanter, and it broke her concentration from the ritual.
Mark drew a king, meaning 13AP as well as a Bl'dg'n having magic sword, a magic ring and a magic book. The sword was purring something that sounded a lot like "Blooooooooood" and with a ne'r a check behind him that his plebs were loyal (In the fact that they are utterly terrified of him). Bl'dg'n commanded "Brilliant! You lot follow me and kill everything that moves. Charge!!!!"
Mark was two rooms away from teh action at this point, with Clive's group in the way. and wisely Clive realised this: Not everything that moves! I'm standing very still.
Mark: Everything that doesn't immediately capitulate and worship me as the Lord of all. Charge!!!!
So, even even wolfie froze still... something about a crazed kobold dripping blood screaming at the top of it's lungs and leading horde of other kobolds does that!
The remaining slinger and a few thugs hung back, they knew this wasn't their fight.
Mark: They'd better catch up fast or feel my wrath later!
Pete: Blood for T’m’t
The red cloaked chanter was wounded and her concentration breaks.
Impressively, Mark drew another 4 AP, and with G'db'th'r'r screaming "T’m’t is stronger than your God!" Bl'dg'n ordered the kobolds to kill nearest enemy! These monsters were huge and ugly! Bl'dg'n had never seen anything like them...
The sword was very happy with that idea...
And plunged into the chanters chest.
After, the survivors in the room were not sure if they did not hear a 'wheeee' followed by a slurping sound. Bl'dg'n could not withdraw it, and the rest of his gang all stepped back, nervously...
Pete: T’m’t is pleased 😃
Mark: ((It is bloody Stormbringer!))
Pete: Has he turned into a pale elf 🧝♂️ yet?
After what seamed like an age since they arrived at the door, Clive drew 6AP.
St'bb' and C'tt' coated their blades and stepped into the room. One enemy seemed unengaged. They crept up and attacked while L'gg' hangs back a little with W'lf'.
"Sn''k 'tt'ck b'tch!"
The two assassins snuck up soundlessly, blades dripping black again, a flash and she was hamstrung. She collapsed down, convulsing.
The monsters had their turn.
Clive: Whose paying us for this job?
Pete: That’s a good question.
With a might blow, one of the 'cl't's is flung, broken, against the wall by the first chanter.
Over the sickening crunch of bones, G'db'th'r'r was heard to utter "B’tch." and then screams "K’ll h’r!" (he had drawn two measily points). Swinging his club, the remaining 'cl't' wound the chanter.
G'db'th'r swings the 't'rn'l fl'm' and Pete drew a...
As he swung the 'tr'n'l fl'm' at her, T'm'ts power surged through him...
The fl'm' slipped out of his blood soaked hand...
And crashes into the ceiling.
A crack appeared...
And opened. Burning white sunlight pours in.
Pete: It burns 🥵
And with it a dark shadow too.
Clive: Ooh we like dark shadows
The H'gh Pr''st'ss has returned.
Pete: Oops 😬
Huge gales pushed the remaining chanter down to the floor, and flung you all (except Bl'dg'n, who was
still holding the sword in the chest of the red chanter) across the room.
Pete: Oi that hurts!
With a snap, she reaches down and devours the chanter's head.
Clive: Yay for the blue dragon
She has returned! The temple is pure once more, and the party were completely victorious, and have many rats to feast upon for many nights.Their names will be scratched on walls and be spoken of in hushed reverence for many lifetimes (about 6 years then)!
Pete: Drink the blue liquid, we won.
Me: You did.
Pete: We are not dead.
Ralph: Dodgy, it could be Blue dragon pee.
Pete: I stop drinking the blue liquid at that thought
At this point, the Assassins look at the bottle and grin knowingly.
Ralph: Need to practice my magic too many miscasts
Pete: It is dragon pee. I need to remember my spells too
The group then got to see the spoils, they had only lost an acolye and a slinger, and had really grabbed the game by the throat. Talking of throats, just to be sure, Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs sent P'nky and P'rky to knife the entwined knight.
Mark found a ring of warming (character can never freeze) plus a spellbook containing three powerful spells.
The blue bottle was taken from G'db'th'r'r by the assassins for his own safety, as it contained a very
powerful poison
Pete: Phew I’m glad I didn’t drink it
Clive Dean: I guess I might have recognised it
Mark: Was it Stormbringer?!?
Sword was sentient, it gave Bl'dg'r extra attacks. The Joker he pulled sent him off on a killing frenzy, he was lucky not to ex his own troops. So basically yes. You can't beat King of Swords
Clive: By the way we are searching all the pockets of the dead
With the knight exed. Sp'rkl'f'ng'rs had a lovely suit of armour to hang up in his home cave.
Ralph: Worth the trip if you ask me.
Mark: Very cool....
Pockets full of gold, which the high priestess reclaims (typical dragon). Few trinkets, some might be useful.
Clive: Hmmmm, disappointing return on our work.
An ice dagger, some kind of instrument, a white staff, lots
of lint and half chewed stuff from the goblins. A very powerful goblin bow.
Pete: We lived that’s a plus, lol
Trinkets that are full of magic... you just don't know what.
Clive: Oh, not too bad then!
And a pet wolf!!! That was inspired too. T'm't was very happy with them.
Pete: T’m’t be praised.
Clive: Yes, bonus
Ralph: Give them to P'ckm'l he will investigate trinkets.
Pete: Built a small shine to T’m’t out of the skeleton’s bones and leave it to protect the complex.
A necklace of armour
A ring of healing.
Two potions of concentration
Several holy amulets of foreign and horrible gods
Ralph: I don't think the foreign amulets should stay in the holy shrine. I'll get rid of them for you
Clive: Oh all crappy wizard stuff!
Ralph: Crappy wizard stuff!!!
Pete: Holy magic is the only magic
Ralph: No I would have dropped the duck on them
Clive: No dagger of vicious backstabbing or forever poisoned knife?
Me: Ice dagger, bottle of nasty blue poison...
Ralph: You've already got one.
And so it rumbled on, as the Kobold leaders sat round a slowly roasting rat, splitting the spoils late into the night.
A completely randomised game worked really well. Room sizes were random, encounters random, they just made some brilliant calls as it went on that led to several brilliant ideas. Jokers at exactly the right time. The duck was pure, random, comedy. Good thing Imi had one spare. Everyone had a good game and really got into the spirit of it. I have included way more of the script than I normally would, just to give that flavour because it was so funny. Thanks for playing guys.
P.S. Pete - The door you jammed had three human adventurers, a Knight, a barbarian and a slinger. They would have eviscerated you.
End of the game:
Superb Will, made me laugh. Sounds like a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteIt was mate. Need to get you in on the next one.
DeleteGreat stuff! Loving the old D&D floorplans :-)