Tangent miniatures,, probably in a massive breach of copywrite, have these familiar characters.
Do you know how difficult it is to paint plaid dressing gowns and pringle jumpers!!!
I've seen it, it's rubbish!
He's got an towel and he's mildly worried!
Plaid... gah!
Okay, the blazer was fun!
Damn, didn't see that flock, sorry!
Probably the worst cast of the batch, plus his jacket is covered in gold and silver brocade is a nightmare.
Hi all, As the months go on, I am finding more random stuff that does not fit into any catagory is creeping it's way up to the surface of my lead mountain. I decided a few years back, rather than just throw it back like one of Nobby's escaped socks, I would actually paint some of them Claudia the animal handler, Bowie and Marcella the Monster Hunter from Bad Squiddo Back view Side on Mimic from Bad Squiddo Gribbly Sushi? Catch of the day! Another Grenadier 1984 from Brian's collection - possible Flesh Golem? Pants! Quick job, but fun TT Combat Halfling adventuers, a barbarian, a fighter, a ranger (with squirrel), a mage, and a bard (with bagpipes) Rough bunch Distancing themselves from the Bard! Fireball! Really random. Converted GW 1990s halfling on a...
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