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Last Days:Zombie Apocalypse - Hideout raid, a remote, three player game for Mark, Ralph and Clive

After a few months lay off and many fun games of other things, the chaps requested another go at Last Days:Zombie Apocalypse.

Who was I to deny it. The game was so big and deadly it actually went over two nights!

Clive's Gang: The Right Hand of God. All named after biblical charcters, Moses their leader (possibly female, but Clive assures us there are no women in the gang), covert Mark's HQ of the church, wanting to return it to it's former glory?

Red-Legged Ralph and gang, well armed and out for booty, having noticed that the newly opened drive through had not been looted, set out to find what was going on (and the remembered that not even rats would have eaten there before the end-times, set off to find better food in the gutter and bins).

Bill Bailey and gang, Mark's Mob, still the least well equipped of the gangs and holding up in the church. They have recently 'aquired' two hunting rifles and a revolver to bolster their somewhat minimal firepower of a semi-automatic pistol! The guys decided that the scenario was American based, country armed with almost unlimited firearms, Mark had managed to generate a gang with only one gun initially with the Chaos Theory randomiser!

Figure are a mix of Militia Miniatures, Mantic Games (Dog) Studio Miniatures, A Couple of ancient GW and a lot of Hasslefree.

General views of the table, featuring much mdf terrain, some TTCombat, some Blotz and some 4Ground, the main house and magnificent church is Products for Wargames, mat is from Tiny Wargames.

Who the hell builds a drive through next to the church?

The church is quite some structure.

A pretty atmospheric shot, can you see Mark's guys lurking.

Much time was spent discussing whether the barrels of rancid cooking oil outside the drive though would be better booty than drive through food.

Clive deploys, with Moses and his/her sniper rifle covering the approaches. Quickly Bershebah is sent off at a pace to examine containers down the road.


The lip stick, long hair, shapely thighs, and obvious bust not enough of a clue? No women here!

Ralph split his party in two, McLane, a tough New York cop and PC Dribble, a trained shooter taking the left of the church, where Dribble set up a shooting position while McClaine explored, spotting a supply dump straight away. Unfortunatley a MAGA zombie (or maybe its actually a Trump supporter who still believes he won) sees him immediately and closes in.

Another part of Ralph's gang, Peaky Pete and Captain Mainwearing try to move past the burnt out diner, but it attracts the attention of the once attractive waitress who has remained at her post, even after her death!

While Machine Gun Kelly and Red Legged Ralph move towards the centre of the square where they have spied another supply cannister, just behind the abandoned Mk 40...

Unfortunately for Ralph, his gang was not the only one who was spying. Up on the top of the church tower, wrapped up against the chill, Bill had hidden his auburn locks under a flat cap and was aiming his rifle at the square below.

He also guarded one of Mark's supply cannisters up there, a rare medical kit.

The MAGA zombie closes on McClane, but he is unconcerned as Dibble lines up the shot.

I'm sure in her life she was very attractive, now she is just attracted towards Ralph's gang. It's not a good look for the ex-waitress really...

Meanwhile, the Reverend Green, bitten at the start of the outbreak, tries to reclaim his parish. Green by name, green by skin tone!

He really wants in...

Alerted by Bersheba's running, a zombie moves towards Clive's Prophets, Moses holds her his fire on overwatch.

McClane sprints for cover from the shooters in the church tower, but his exhersions are too noisy and it attracts the deadliest zombie of all, THE MIME! PC Dibble, or is it Dribble now has two zs to contend with with his shooting...

McClane tries the North door of the church, but this brings the unwelcome presence of the MAGA zombie as his sawn off blows chunks out of the ancient door, and English Heritage start to write a stern letter to Red Legged Ralph about property damage. Even in undeath, zombies respect ruins.

One of Clive's prophets watches on in amusement as the melee between the waitress and Peaky Pete begins.

It really is quite a view...

A shot rings out, but the Mime advances on.

Inside the church, altered by shots, Mark's gang members pulls back from the doors to a more defensible position.

As the zombie approaches the chain link fence, Joshua and Samuel leap the obsticles to deal with it. Well, until Bersheba falls flat on his face after failing his landing roll after trying to climb down from the container roof!

Combat is quickly joined, as the zombie flails ineffectively, and is struck by rifle butts and as aucepan of cold lentils, all to no effect and some embarressment!

To everyone's shock, Ralph rolls well and finishes the mime in one shot!

Not to be outdone, McClane slams his shotgun butt through the zombie MAGA and this side of the board is all Ralph's. (Roof removed from church for ease of access)

Mark's gang keeps moing to secure the church, Bill on overwatch, with Paddy and the second rifle on the floor below.

Max(ine) moves up to the tower's first floor, and waits for the rest of the gang.

Eichmann, Dog the stray and Dixon all make towards the tower and hopefully securing the area.

After polishing off the waitress, Red Legged Ralph, Peaky Pete and Captain Mainwearing all make for the central supply dump, only for Mainwearing to be brought cruelly down by long range fire from Moses and Benjamin. Thus ended any hope from Clive of an allience with Ralph to take on Mark in a heavily defended bell tower. Just to prove the point, Isaiah is downed on Clive's gang in the same moment, and off lower left, Machine Gun Kelly has been floored by a shot from on high in the tower by Mark. Ralph's gang is suddenly looking very fraggle...

A not-cool Red-Legged Ralph scoops up Machine-Gun Kelly's MP5 and follows the gang, determined to exact some righteous vengence on the Right Hand of God!

Of course, this blatent display of hositlity summons more zombies, firstly a zombie goth near my tape measure. Stealth is not high here. The tower in sections as Mark moves within it.

Moses leaves her his perch and brings her firepower to support Benjamin by the Mk40 as the rest of Clive's gang are either seeing stars or are tackling a zombie.

McClane decideds the church is not worth bothering with and makes for the supplies, while Paddy, high in the tower, watches on.

It really is a mess in there, but all the action is now in the shadow of the church...

Joseph dives for cover behind a drinks machine. Not sure 2mm aluminium will provide that much protection at this range?

In fact, it is going from bad to worse as characters unleash so much lead that another zombie follows on behind the goth.

While Moses's shooting also draws another into the frey.

Paddy joins Bill on the towertop, allowing all round shooting opportunities, and a chance to watch the two other gangs tear lumps out of each other too!

Which they certainly do as Red Legged Ralph goes full auto, peppering the Dr Pepper maybe?

On the left, Bersheba gets up and joins the ruck against the zombie.

Somehow, inside the tower Dog is lifted up to the first floor by the combined efforts of Eichmann and Dixon.

Almost as if he knew what was happening, McClean dashes for cover between two buttresses and heavy cover.

Clive loses a second character from a hail of close range SMG fire from Red Legged Ralph, the drinks machine is now definitely not going to give a refund!

Moses does not like this at all, and seeing her his their comrade go down, quickly snaps off a shot that downs Red Legged Ralph (he had taken two wounds from other fire previously, so this wound really knocked him back).

In fact it was so bad, that despite being in possession of the two cannisters of supplies outside Mark's grasp, seeing the boss go down means Ralph's gang legs it on a massively failed morale check.

The Rev Green is torn away from his ideal of reclaiming his church, and despite being hit multiple times by Mark, he staggers off after Clive's characters, giving up on the church.

Despite having two close combat specialists, armed with clubs, fighting against the zombie, it is Joshua with the rifle butt of his Styler AUG that crushes the zombie's skull.

Meanwhile, Mark's gang further fortify the tower, standing round the hatchways, ready to defend with knives, clubs, broke bottles and fangs.

To be fair, the view would have been spectacular if somone had not put a crummy drive through next door, then filled the area containers, and added zombies!!

Clive decided that with two gang members down, he should hustle as quickly as possible to the East end of the church where Mark has least chance of picking him off, and try to secure it for himself before any more zombies were drawn in.

They arrive at the door, but will anyone get through two inches of ancient oak...

Not before sending Bersheba to check on his fallen comrades, who are definitely looking ill.

And another zombie appears, putting five on the board, all heading for Clive's gang.

But running to avoid means you produce noise, so the Zs follow, at a much slower rate.

Most of which are closing quickly (in a staggering, lurching type way) on Bershebah, who is grabbed by the Reverend Green so he cannot escape.

The goth girl approaches Clive's gang as Moses holds position and the others try to break the door down.

Except Mark's gang had propped a few of the benches behind the door, becuase that always works!

At this range Moses can't miss can she/he? 


Well she he can if she he doesn't reload. I love these rules!

Bershebah bashing attracts the newly arrived Zs. His chances of survival are slipping away.

Moses decides that the door was too tough a nut to crack with all the zombies around, and sprints for safety and the board edge. The rest of the gang follow theor leader, not even stopping to take on the Zs.

Mark's shooting at various points, even from the security of the tower, was somewhat underwhelming,

And his next shot...

But his position was secure. Mark won as Clive retired legging it off table, picking up a riot shield, a sniper sight and an awful lot of supplies, with no wounded or injured characters. Ralph's forces recovered quickly, despite Captain Mainwearing losing an eye. Clive's gang  retired hurt, without the strength to take on Mark in a secure position, his injured gangsters were okay, but there may have to be a rescue mission to free Bersheba, and quickly!

Great game, the lads really got into the spirt of it with much banter and ribauld  comments. Can't wait to run the next one.


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