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Mortiem et Gloriam - Senguko Samurai vs Hafsid

Adrian and Roger came round yesterday and finished our bathroom.

And there was much rejoycing.

Today they came back for a game to celebrate. Adrian using the Hafsid I am painting for him (with a few Hausa and Picts proxying until I get his archers painted) and Roger umpiring. I used my Senguko Samurai as Adrian wanted to try out against a 'hard list' and I was only too happy to oblige.

Despite winning the terrain (dense mountains) and the initial placement roll off (mountains, dense, secure flank), I was comprehensively out-scouted. 130% - 0%! Wow! My Samurai are kind of used to this, so no biggy... Honest! But I might be having to add that 30 to my next game.

The terrain was intersting, with the right being a secure flank, plouged fields, and two rocky ground sections. On the left a village, a ploughed field and a wood secured that flak, but not brilliantly well. The forces amass. On my right are my protected average bows with their general, inside them two allies units in loose (whole army is loose or flexible, its all good) and theor general, to their left Fluffy commands a superior spear unit, the samurai skilled powerbow and two 8s of long spears. My MEG cup in pride of place.

I then had 10 minutes wait while Adrian set up all 11 TuGs and 10 SuGs!!! So far I've painted 8 TuGs, and have nearly finished 5 sugs of light horse, so he was borrowing my Hausa and Picts to bulk out. 

Infantry in two lines, its bold. Three light horse in cantabrian to the right, the other two were flank marching. You can tell Adrian is a cavalry commander at heart, foot work better in one line.

Saint Adrian's halo shines bright. My prize for third in Global Megfest still stands proud at the front. 

Looks like I might be corner sitting... like THAT will ever happen!

My allied command showed just how determined they were to fight (black and white = unreliable, not today).

Adrian also realised pretty quickly that I must be holding at least two more red cards, somewhat stymming his flank march as he needs at least one red to bring them on.m, and there are only 6 in the pack.

My first shot with powerbow on light horse. Meh! Should have killed the unit outright in one go there!!! Plus two on my shooting, should be higher. Yellow dice hate me.

Now I'm holding 5 red cards out of 6... Trying to get forwards as soon as possible without getting tied up by light horse. My cavalry wisely ignore it and ride off left. Holding all these cards means I actually loose mobility with some commands as I don't want to spend them and them getting them back in the deck to allow Adrian to draw them.

Meanwhile Fluffy sends two spear units to introduce Adrian to 'chaos theory' while trying to deal with light horse. He is tribal, so pulling him all over the place which costs him in cards as its a yellow to move off a straight line. My average bows on the right start to swap places with my allies spears so they can get a flanking 1bw shot on Adrian's horse (unprotected skirmishers only give away an extra +1 if you shoot within one base width).

Adrian shoots at my average spears. In cantabrian gets him an upgrade to green dice. OUCH! 2.5/8 DEAD in one shot. I thought my army was shooty. I return fire, killing a base. 

Sensibly, his damaged light horse peels away to try and slow my advancing spears, while others try (and fail) to avoid my average bows.

My cavalry close on his light foot and Christian mercenary spears. He now realises the power these boys are packing. Skilled bows, superior short spear, melee expert. Adrian tasks 5 units to deal with them. Probably still less points than my two cavalry.

My first shots vs Adrian's skirmishing foot. Oh this is going so well. His return shot does a wound! 

Adrian decides that charging is better than being shot to pieces. I do a wound and a kill. Not bad vs a 6.

Talking of wounds and kills, Adrian's cavalry causes a kill and a wound on me, I do two kills and a wound in one go with two units of archers. (1-0)

After combat my cavalry (at +2) had taken no losses, while Adrian was a hit off breaking. I did a group break off in the next turn Adrian could not flank me that he had carefully set up, phew!  The next turn, when he charged me I stood and shot, breaking him and the skirmishers sitting behind. (4-0).

In the centre my spears clash with the Hafsud foot, I forced Adrian to charge (well, he's tribal and only had black and white so holding was impossible, he needed a red card, and it stops him claiming his +1  for integral shooters), even superior long spears on a green vs white can go wrong, he does a wound on me and I only wound him. Not a great return there for all the points I spent on them. My supporting 8 has been dragged down by a huge amount of shooting that Adrian's forces put out 

Another turn of firing, another dead skirmishers unit! (5-0)

There's a lot of shooters out there. It might start to hurt.

My allies push through the gap and hit a vineyard, good thing they were still in loose formation. His skirmishers break off from the bows (who have taken two bases of losses from fire so far).

Chaos theory reigns! My average spears that had been on the flank of my superiors moves off to engage Adrian's bows and threaten the flank of his spears. To the rear, Fluffy brings up the rear with a strong reserve of the Samurai archers and the beaten up average spears.

Adrian FINALLY secured the missing red card, and his two flanking light horse sprint across table to pitch up behind my cavalry. This is not good news as now there are 7 white or white plus dice about to fire at them.

And of the seven, 5 score wounds! Two and a half dead Samurai cavalry across two units of 4 is really painful! One unit is down to half strength already. 

Then I return fire on Adrian's skirmishers (thankfully shooting is simultaneous so my huge losses don't count yet). 4 green dice, 4 skulls! Dead skirmishers, by a long way. Result!!! In fact that would have killed a full strength 6 with that roll. (6-0)

Rach built a tower of dice. 8 high, her all time record!

Back to the game: I turn my cavalry about, as Adrian charges, scattering his light horse but bringing my samurai into range of his skilled javelins, and they are pointy enough to break one of my mounted Samurai. (6-2)

On Adrian's right my superior Samurai and average allied Ashugaru, both in loose hit Adrian's close order spears in dense terrain, giving me an advantage. To their right my average spears pile into his average unprotected bows, I'll take the +2 thank you.

Chased by Adrian's archers and pinned by his light horse, my samurai evade the javelins and arrows, taking a wound, they are looking brittle now.

There's a lot of fights going on here! Four of my units vs four of his. Superior spears chewing lumps out of Adrian left, my average spears, although hurt, maul his bows in the centre and two spears vs my average and superior allies to the right.  All fights in my favour, and despite that, on the left  we both kept rolling blanks! Typical. My bows are under that card far right, there wasn't room for it anywhere else.

This causes two of Adrian's TUGs to breakpoint (a spear and an archer unit), taking a SuG with them. (11-2). We had to call time then due to having fought for 4 and a half hours and Adrian being called in to check a job. The joys of plumbing.

 Final score 12-4 (both get +2 for surviving) (can't get higher than 12 without breaking your opponent). If we had carried on Adrian would have easily pick off two more units and I was within a wound of breaking another, so still 12 to me but 8 to Adrian. Two more turns and I would have broken him completely. 

Man that army is going to be difficult to break once Adrian gets the hang of infantry.

Top game, thanks mate. 

The next time will definitely see this army with more painted kit on table, I have plans. 


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