While I was up at Battlefield Hobbies on Saturday, I treated myself to
another set of Imperial Fighters I, the fighter we all recognise from
Star Wars, Empire and Jedi.
(I know I should be painting other people's stuff, but more tinny-tiny starfighters, what's not to love!)
TIE fighters


Tie Bombers

Cue sound effects!

Tie X-1 Advanced

Yes, Vader's ship!

Tie Interceptors, one of my favourite Star Wars ships

They just look cooool

Fragile as hell, but dakkadakka

The swarm

One day I'll get a proper game in....
(I know I should be painting other people's stuff, but more tinny-tiny starfighters, what's not to love!)
TIE fighters


Tie Bombers

Cue sound effects!

Tie X-1 Advanced

Yes, Vader's ship!

Tie Interceptors, one of my favourite Star Wars ships

They just look cooool

Fragile as hell, but dakkadakka

The swarm

One day I'll get a proper game in....
FINALLY got hold of the main Rebel fighters pack (rare as rocking horse pooh), and painted them up.
'A' Wings

'B' Wings

Two more wings of 'X' Wings

'Y' Wings

The fighters massed.


Attack formation!

'A' Wings

'B' Wings

Two more wings of 'X' Wings

'Y' Wings

The fighters massed.


Attack formation!

Been sitting on these a while, but though as I'm in an Armada mood of late, I might as well do them!
Rogues and Villains pack
Slave 1
IG-2000 (IG-88s ship)
Dengar's Jumpmaster
Moldy Crow
Dash Rendar's Outrider
Borrsk's Hound's Tooth
Nym's Scrugg Bomber
The Millenium Falcon
The Flacon flying the other way!
Last week, while up at Battlefield Hobbies, I succumbed and bought myself the Rebel Fighters II boxed set.
These are a mixed bag of fighters and freighters, all in Rebel service. While not as iconic as the X, Y, A or B wings, anyone familiar with the Star Wars Exteneded Universe or Star Wars Rebels will still know these snubfighters.
The whole set, not bad for two nights painting.

Lancer class pursuit craft, yellow one on the left flying away from us is 'Shadow Caster' flown by Bounty Hunter Ketsu Onyo
Two squadrons of Z-95 Headhunters, the venerable ancestor of the X-Wing.
E-Wings, from the post Imperial Era (first featured in Dark Empire comic series, I still have mine in the loft!). Not sure they will get much game time, but nice fighters none the less.
Shadow Caster and Ghost from Star Wars Rebels
There was another VCX-100, but the photo is so dire...
I dug out the box, and there five squadrons of TIEs and four of X-Wings in fleet scale micro fighters. So, I decided on Sunday that I needed a break from 15mm projects, and got going.
Twenty minutes later I remembered; Imperial TIEs with wing details! X-Wings with squadron markings...
No, there is no try, there is only do!
The X-Wings,
L-R Blue Squadron, with Pink 5! Top L, Rogue Squadron, M, Red Squadron, Luke in centre, R Wraith Squadron with Wedge.
A TIE swarm.
Side view so you can see the internal struts (that are not molded in).
Dogfight in progress, can four snub fighter squadrons take down five 'eyeballs'?

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