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Mortal Gods

Footsore recently released this rather fun game, based around 28mm skirmish fighting in ancient Greece. Tried it at Campaign, then got a set for my birthday from Manny and Rob at Boards and Swords.

Temple Captain of Hera - an interesting character and a good sculpt.

Peacock feather on the shield is a nice touch

She's a useful character to have around.

Hard fighter too.

Ladies and gentlemen,
To entertain you this New Years Day evening, we are proud to present...

Turns out Jason is a Liverpool fan!

They're very powerrful in the game, hope to use them soon!

But have been sitting waiting to be painted for years.


Atalanta, who is quite crucuial in the legend .

Priestesss of Artemis

Hair picked up some interesting highlights


Keith's Greek heroic warriors

Heavies for his mercanary force

No capes dharling!


These came out really well.

Heroic archer

And the rest of him were blurred :(

Persian Heroic types

Persian 28mm Plastics, by Wargames Atlantic, basing to be added later by Keith


In the sunshine


Top view

Security in depth

Back view

Command types

Crescent shield types

Top view

Off we jolly well go!

A Roman Hero

A Carthaginian Hero

Been a while since I added any of my own to my collection!

These were ordered BEFORE Mark used his on me, but I only started painting on Tuesday and they were ready for the table on Wednesday!


70s hairstyles?

Inevitable top view

Turns out Keith also has the rules and wanted his painting too! 

Light hoplites for Keith

Back view

Top view


Top view

Two extra (moving too fast)


That could hurt!

Heavy hoplites done for Keith.

Rear view


Heroes running away

The whole batch

Top view


In the lull after New Year, I started Keith's Athenians.

Veteran with a hoplite group.

Light Hoplites

Nice bunch

Side view

Rear view 

Heavy hoplites (some more willing to fight than others?)

Top view

Detail left

Detail right - he went that-a-way!

Side view

Athenian heroes

Like these figures a lot

The whole group

Quite like the way these came out.


Again. started with the heavyweights of the Ancient Greek world and painted up the Spartan starter set.

The whole band looking as tough as their reputation, but slightly better dressed!

Light Hoplites

Side view

Heavy Hoplites, with their veteran in their front rank.

A scary bunch!

There is a nice sense of movement about these figures.

Heros of the lochos.

Come back with your shields or on it...

"He went thataway!"

Heavies to the front, lights at the back.

Meonas the Harvester to the fore. Quite impressed with this batch.

Athenians next...

Picked up these two from Annie at Bad Squiddo games, Thea an Amazon hero, and her fairy friend scouting on guinea pig, because, well why not!

Turns out Ray also has Mortal Gods! He asked me to paint his stuff, who was I to deny him?

Slingers, Peltasts and light hopilites done, which finished Ray's Mortal Gods bits (just in time for Keith's order to arrive)

Light hoplites (shield transfers by Little Big Man & Victrix)



A musician, called Jeff

A spare base...

Ray's Heavy Hoplites and heroes from the core set, plus a Medium Promachos because I like the figure, I bought it twice and this one is now Ray's.

The heavies, 4 bases of.

With their veteran at the fore.

As the core set is meant to b etwo faction, here are two sets of commanders, including the Polymachos.

Quite a meaty batch, veteran front and centre!

Now Ray's Athenians are done too. Light hoplites

Heay hoplites, the sun was casting some rather amazing shadows.

Adronikos, the Defender of Athens

The whole Lochos

Well, starting out with an army box, and knowing Ray's love of all things Spartan, I had to go with the feared heavywights of the Greek world.

The whole lochos.

Light spartans with their veteran.

I went for a much more uniformed appearence than mine.

The heavies, with their veteran and their leader, Meonas the Harvester

Meonas the Harvester to the fore

Quite like this lot, Athenians next, both mine and Ray's.

My Thespian hero, Polykratos of Thespis, Descended from Heroes - a Thespian Lochagos who will be one of my commanders. I painted him as a grizzled eteran, not really caring about his appearance, but whether he is dealing with the enemies. With him are two trophions.

Second batch which finished off my core box. Now onto Ray's three boxes!

Slingers, a base for each force.

Peltasts with hand painted shields (which you can probably tell)

Light spears (with one heavy to round out the batch who has featured previously)

The eigth

Characters, some assembled from spare parts, others are Footsore metal and beautiful!

Converted musician and a Lochagos (faction 2-i-C)

Medium Locagos

His armour was a fortuotous mistake!

Adrastos, Captain of the Lochos, I wanted his shield to look battle damaged as a veteran.

Veteran archer (think sniper)

Another self assembled Promachos. Leader of a force, maybe, as I have someone else on the way...

Been a while since I've assembled any plastics, but once I knew what I was doing, it went quite quickly.

First 15 Heavy hopilites for 'Mortal Gods', a rather fun skirmish game set in Greece.
You'll be seeing a lot more of these, I've got my own and a friend's commission to do.

How most wargamers see their armies...

Quite enjoyed these!


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