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Skulls Day 1, Senguko vs The rest of the World!

Three games today in a boiling hot warehouse in an industrial area of Daventry.
Hammy, you need air con!
It was 36 outside and warmer inside...
Anyway, rant over.

Three games of Senguko goodness as Uesgui Clan get involved again.
On the way, Bowie bids me a fond good bye!

Game 1 was vs Phillip Powell and his Maximillian German. An army of pikes (average and poor) and knight (1 superior, 2 average) and a tiny unit of bows, plus some skirmishers.

The table fell my way, in a massively good way, his whole table side was full of terrain that was not good for him, and my army is flexible.

But Phillip, the gentleman he is, took it with remarkably good grace.

My army goes down, out scouted by 70% is 8 units out of 9.
In case you've never noticed it, the card holder is deployment depth!

Phillip deployed in the gap between the mountain and the forest. Bavaia suits him!

Two of his knights come around the mountain to fight, I quickly dive my lines into the rough facing his pikes, and wheel my main line to face his cans.

Hopefully, that's enough to hold him up!

He tries to clear his other knights past his keils, and threaten my flanks.

Not the best hand I've ever been dealt!

His fully armoured knights attempt a charge at my cavalry. My usual lock with shooting does not quite work!

The next turn, at long range, when I don't ignore his armour, it was somewhat better!

My superior spears go climbing! High on a hill stood a lonely goatherd!

I move up, green plus will do all sorts of nasty things to you!

Yup, my cavalry show they are armed with can openers!

His average cavalry crash into my spears. It was not going to go well for him here!

Especially as I have cavalry in the area, and Fluffy!

Meanwhile, my superior bows on foot and my superior spears are heading towards his camp, and his poor pikes!

Over on the other side, after dodging the massed fire of two skirmisher units, my spears, in loose, face out from their rocky ground, onto another wall of pikes, except these ones were decent!

And he actually came in to attack me! This is not good for him!

But with two knights dead, and me closing on his camp, it would not end well for Phillip, as I break him 15-0 (and forgot to take any photos as it was all getting very fast paced)!

Game 2, and yes, it is that hot Hammy that I had two drinks on the go! An open plain, which sees me deploying defensively vs Ottoman Turks run by Dan Jr, one of out American guests.

He had a massive army, but only 9 TUGS, so my cavalry set off to find a flank. There's a huge amount of shootyness out there!

His cavalry moves to threaten me, light horse, cantabrian, this is a big threat as there's loads of them.

My line inhales sharply through its teeth, and advances, attempting to ignore the flank threat.

And before I know it, I receive a face full of Serbian knights. However, we know what happens when you charge skilled powerbows, half his unit blown away before he reached me. He flank charged my superior spears, but meh, so what! We can take it.

His other Serbians charge my spears, and he also regretted that.

 Hordes of bad tempered headhunters close remorselessly on his two units of Janissaries and a unit of cavalry.

The general situation, I've taken both Serbian units to a whisker of breaking.

My cavalry catches a skirmishing SUG (1-0) and has a clear line into the backfield.

The Serbs explode, I am now 5-0 up!

Three units vs six, think I might be alight here.

He did get his skirmishing cavalry into my camp, but it was not working for him, as my camp being average and Dan fighting with a TUG. was on a red to his white!

My cavalry blows through a unit of poor, unprotected combat shy archers, and eyes up the camp greedily!

Cavalry gets hit by superior spears, Janissaries get an average spearblock in the face, and poor foot meet superior cavalry!

On my left, my six average spears are shot to pieces by cantabrian armed light horse. My average bows also get smacked about by cavalry. This loses me two units in quick succession.

And in his attack on my camp, I'm still doing well!

The Ottomans are being squeezed. My ally sits back, knowing he can relax as my cavalry engages his and another unit of poor foot.

CHOMP! My bows fall.

 In the centre, my cavalry and superior foot pick their targets, as my allies look on in appreciation.

The Australian view of it all? Four charges go in.

I loose a base of real samurai archers, but the red and blue janissaries fold under the pressure. The poor troops behind take a hammering.

 15-4, and going into round 4 I'm on 30 points for, and 4 against!! I even topped the table at this point.

Leading into game 3 vs John Munro and Feudal Germans, a list that has caused me no end of pain in the past, especially in the hands of Paul. Wall-to-wall nutters! Just the sort of thing my small, elite force can't deal with! Basically, it was over so quickly I snatched a few shots, and then found somewhere cooler to stand for an dhour while Paul finished up.

My bows, out classed and out numbered, fight hard and score a few hits on the way in!

My cavalry singularly fail to do anything and die!

The extra units take their toll, as every samurai units is engaged, and I cannot break through.

My line, looking so good, was swept up by knight. All over in less than an hour! 2-15

After three rounds, I'm on 32 points, with 19 against. Tomorrow I have Arabs round 4, another huge army. Must revise my tactics, tune in to see what happen next!

Hopefully it will be 10 centigrade cooler as promised too!


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