Day 2, and I'm on 32 points. I was in top slot, now I'm nowhere near...
Can I reclaim some positions?
After Paul and I had moaned all the way home, and back again, about the high qualities vs quantities of various MeG armies I set off on my fourth game facing Khawarij. No, I've never heard of them either!
An absolute vanilla army, cavalry with long spears, foot with shield wall and nothing else! Foot in 8s, cav in 6s, two allied talented generals, two competent. Utterly utterly dreadful example of meh! They make John's Feudal Germans look... exciting!
So, how to deal with this monster? Paul had been smashed by it yesterday, he advocated dealing with the cavalry. I tried...
Deployment was me trying to be clever, Hunter in a big straight line!
My cunning plan, try to nab the cav, and pin the foot.
My superior powerbows get flanked, inevitably really when you have 9 TUGs and your opponent has 13...
Cards were naff, I could not respond to all these flank charges, or even launch my own flank charge...
Yup, 4 flank charges. This was all over but my crying.
With a failed and dead general (FLUFFY NOOOOOO!) I'm in real trouble.
My army disintegrates. 0-15 loss, in just over an hour.
Ian's army, Taramasalata Spanish! Melee expert pikes, with firearms! A Tudor ally with 4 2-handed-cut-and-crush and many knight, plus Jinettes, and hold on, powerbows... pooh.
Beautiful army mind!
What to do here? There's at least two-thirds of the table without armies here.
My cavalry tries to distract the Spanish!
My allies were still not playing. Fighting 10000 points with 8000 is always a challenge!
My bows move in the safety of the town, wondering whether they are going to have to step up, again!
Well, the allies pulled another hand of zebras and take a hit for deserters leaving the units because of this!
But, actually, I stopped taking photos shortly after this.
I lost one cavalry to powerbows, the other to 2hc&c, and my superior spears to melee expert pikes, but I rolled up the pikes, and after withdrawing my bows, counter charged into his English men at arms, breaking them and a pike, with all his pikes gone, Ian lost.
15-6. That was unexpected!
To be honest a great game, and exactly what I needed to sort me out this weekend.
Note to self, play for fun, not to win!
Next competition will be 'Time of Inadequate Lighting' at Boards and Swords in Derby in October. Please join us there.
Can I reclaim some positions?
After Paul and I had moaned all the way home, and back again, about the high qualities vs quantities of various MeG armies I set off on my fourth game facing Khawarij. No, I've never heard of them either!
An absolute vanilla army, cavalry with long spears, foot with shield wall and nothing else! Foot in 8s, cav in 6s, two allied talented generals, two competent. Utterly utterly dreadful example of meh! They make John's Feudal Germans look... exciting!
So, how to deal with this monster? Paul had been smashed by it yesterday, he advocated dealing with the cavalry. I tried...
Deployment was me trying to be clever, Hunter in a big straight line!
My cunning plan, try to nab the cav, and pin the foot.
My superior powerbows get flanked, inevitably really when you have 9 TUGs and your opponent has 13...
Cards were naff, I could not respond to all these flank charges, or even launch my own flank charge...
Yup, 4 flank charges. This was all over but my crying.
With a failed and dead general (FLUFFY NOOOOOO!) I'm in real trouble.
My army disintegrates. 0-15 loss, in just over an hour.
I spent the next two and a half hours, waiting for Paul, to finish, pouting, sulking and realising that I was turning back into the idiot who got upset at Flames of War events. Sorry everyone.
Round 5 was aghast Ian. An amazing gent, who had offered me a 10-10 not to play and to have a nice afternoon in the sun.
However, Paul was driving, and Ian is a great opponent, I was here to play toy soldiers and have fun.
Deployment. I think my allies have had enough this weekend. Unreliable. Really can't say I blame them. Game 4 and still only 32 points. What could I salvage this time?
Ian's army, Taramasalata Spanish! Melee expert pikes, with firearms! A Tudor ally with 4 2-handed-cut-and-crush and many knight, plus Jinettes, and hold on, powerbows... pooh.
Beautiful army mind!
What to do here? There's at least two-thirds of the table without armies here.
My cavalry tries to distract the Spanish!
My allies were still not playing. Fighting 10000 points with 8000 is always a challenge!
My bows move in the safety of the town, wondering whether they are going to have to step up, again!
Well, the allies pulled another hand of zebras and take a hit for deserters leaving the units because of this!
But, actually, I stopped taking photos shortly after this.
I lost one cavalry to powerbows, the other to 2hc&c, and my superior spears to melee expert pikes, but I rolled up the pikes, and after withdrawing my bows, counter charged into his English men at arms, breaking them and a pike, with all his pikes gone, Ian lost.
15-6. That was unexpected!
To be honest a great game, and exactly what I needed to sort me out this weekend.
Note to self, play for fun, not to win!
Next competition will be 'Time of Inadequate Lighting' at Boards and Swords in Derby in October. Please join us there.
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