Been sitting in the lead pile for a while...
FV 105 Sultan from Timecast, no idea when I will use it, but such a cool model!
(You know when you get something that refuses to be photograhphed....)

FV 105 Sultan from Timecast, no idea when I will use it, but such a cool model!
(You know when you get something that refuses to be photograhphed....)

Four more Timecast FV438s - last of the support, and really crisp casting.
Love them! Nine in the unit in total now, think that will REALLY annoy some Soviets
Rear view
A few extras in preparation for tomorrow night's game. Vehicles by Timecast, Infantry by Pendraken
FV432s for Company Command
2iC and HMG
2 additional Milan posts
Spent some time over the festive season adding to my British Infantry, I finally finished second platoon (the first stands of the platoon are somewhere way down the blog).
With Timecast Battle taxis (enough for the whole platon)
Start of Company HQ and extra AA
Start of the Milan section, with Light Mortar support
A rare sight, British HQ with more transport than it needs!
(Must paint the other two infantry stands)Start of something different, FV438s...
I know its understrength, but you really wouldn't want your Soviet tanks to run into this lot!
A few more bits to add to the collection
Pendraken Landy, what will it be carrying? More later in the week!
And another pair of Cheiftains by Timecast!
1st Section, 2nd Platoon done.
Timecasts lovely armour, painted up beautifully (they are not gloss, honest). Pendraken Falklands Infantry, painted up as mechanised Infantry for Sabresquadron
Two more Chieftains
Timecast FV432s, beautiful figures
With attached Pendraken infantry, from their Falkland's range, painted as Mechinised Infantry
The infantry, swore I would never paint DPM again, but I did...
And a stand of Timecast's lovely Soviet Motor Rifle Reconnaissance
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