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Mortiem et Gloriam vs Mark, his Mycenaeans vs my Mongols!

Thursday night MeG, playing around with new potential lists for Derby.
I took Mongols, as the list has just been released, and I have the army, ready painted in glorious 10mm Technicolor. Taking Paul's advice, I had:
Legendary Commander (Genghis Khan himself)
Competent General
Mediocre General
1 x 6 Exceptional Guard
2 x 4 Superior Protected
4 x 4 Superior unprotected
1 x 6 Skilled Light Horse
2 x 4 Normal Light Horse

Mark had:
Legendary General
Talented General
Competent General
8 x 6 Long Spears, shield cover, integral archers
2 x 4 Light Chariots,Superior, long spear
1 x 9 skirmishing slingers
1 x 6 skirmishing slingers
1 x 8 light spear, protected javelins
1 x 9 skirmishing archers
1 x 6 skirmishing archers

I out scouted Mark, but, because he had to deploy 50% of his units (8) I had to match him, leaving me only two units left over. This in effect means he had out-scouted me by dint of having a bigger army!

Mark looking smug about his deployment! His units had basically filled the board with spiky things!

Initial advances, Mark was hoping to pin me back.

With my light horse screen, I tried to deal with Mark's skirmishers.

Not that effectively as it turned out!

It was a LOT of spears and skirmishers!

I tried to swing left to threaten the Mycenaean warriors flank. Unfortunately, Mark out carded me and was able to threaten all my rears!

On the left, my Exceptional Guard cavalry took an awfully long time to deal with Mark's chariots, allowing him to concentrate on my flanks. Those three chariots at the rear blew my unprotected cavalry on the left flank to pieces!

However, I did get two units into his rear, but all in range of his spears, my chances of a cunning breakthrough failed!

Yeah, that did NOT go to plan!!

15-6 to Mark.
Mongols is not the force for me, too bitty and vulnerable. Mark suggested I should have mixed my light horse, as they were pushed back, if I had a few formed cavalry mixed in, he would not have been able to push me back!

So, back to Romans or Picts then...


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