Graham had asked to try Warband, and had plumped for Undead, requesting as many skeletons as I could muster, whereas I took my new Minotaurs.
Graham's Undead
Vampire Lord 1D6+1, with Powerful, Regenerate and Skirmish
Necromancer D6
3 x skeleton warriors with Regenerate and Skirmish
1 x Skeletal Riders with Skirmish and Regenerate
1 x Skeletal Chariot
1 x Dire Wolves.
My Minotaurs
Minotaur Lord D6+1
Minotaur Shamen D6-1
3 x Minotaur Warriors
1 x Centaur Knights, with Fierce, Impetuous and Powerful
1 x Centaur Warriors
1 x Centaur Archers with Parting Shot
Game 1: Grudge match - generals gain fierce and impetuous.
Basically, we went for it, flank attack each, and charge! That didn't go well! Graham's riders and Dire Wolves chewed my Centaur warriors to pieces, one Minotaur refused to move. Graham managed to get a flank charge in on my Minotaur Lord, then frontally hit him with his Vampire Lord. Despite 7 dice of saves, two flank support attacks and all the dice I could throw at him; he lasted two turns before Graham won!

Wolves and Riders cause me a lot of trouble as my Centaur Warriors rout and he continues into my Knights!

My Lord in no end of trouble!

I was pushed back to the edge of the table.

Game 2: Though The Fog
I got lucky, my forces all arrived at the same point. Graham had one group of three in my sector, his wolves and knights spread out into the far sector, and then his group of his Necromancer, his chariots and his Vampire Lord had rolled a 5! So, off to the far corner they went, hopefully keeping them out of the fight while I had overwhelming numbers.
The deployment, Graham's Vampire went that-a-way! -->

Without the clutter!

Yeah, great plan, when the Vampire Lord moves 2 base widths, boosted by the Necromancer to give three, of which he passed 2 motivations (40cm) and then passed 3 more boosted moves (60cm extra), so, 1 metre of fast Vampire Lord and Chariots! He was back in the game, and charging my Shamen!

I threw in my Lord to try and counter this, but he was bounced, repeatedly, caused 3 wounds on Graham's Lord, but it cost me dear, I fought until he broke. The Shamen broke soon after, meaning I was in trouble.

Try again, five dice from a charge can't fail, can it?

I had broken bones of Skeleton Warriors with my Minotaurs, the Centaur archers were pinning and sniping the third warriors and the necromancer when he came back into range. The Centaurs, who had exacted their revenge on the wolves from the last game, a unit of warriors had seen off Graham's riders too.
See how we run!

Against the Vampire Lord who had just seen of my General and Mage (so no extra dice there) A unit of Minotaur Warriors stepped in, but were pushed back to the edge of the table, where the Vampire Lord's Powerful, combined with the table edge meant no save, and the Warriors perished, but he held long enough for my Centaur warriors to charge him in the rear and break his Lord. This led to a mutual destruction between the two forces.

So, still not won a game! 😉
Graham's Undead
Vampire Lord 1D6+1, with Powerful, Regenerate and Skirmish
Necromancer D6
3 x skeleton warriors with Regenerate and Skirmish
1 x Skeletal Riders with Skirmish and Regenerate
1 x Skeletal Chariot
1 x Dire Wolves.
My Minotaurs
Minotaur Lord D6+1
Minotaur Shamen D6-1
3 x Minotaur Warriors
1 x Centaur Knights, with Fierce, Impetuous and Powerful
1 x Centaur Warriors
1 x Centaur Archers with Parting Shot
Game 1: Grudge match - generals gain fierce and impetuous.
Basically, we went for it, flank attack each, and charge! That didn't go well! Graham's riders and Dire Wolves chewed my Centaur warriors to pieces, one Minotaur refused to move. Graham managed to get a flank charge in on my Minotaur Lord, then frontally hit him with his Vampire Lord. Despite 7 dice of saves, two flank support attacks and all the dice I could throw at him; he lasted two turns before Graham won!
Wolves and Riders cause me a lot of trouble as my Centaur Warriors rout and he continues into my Knights!
My Lord in no end of trouble!
I was pushed back to the edge of the table.
Game 2: Though The Fog
I got lucky, my forces all arrived at the same point. Graham had one group of three in my sector, his wolves and knights spread out into the far sector, and then his group of his Necromancer, his chariots and his Vampire Lord had rolled a 5! So, off to the far corner they went, hopefully keeping them out of the fight while I had overwhelming numbers.
The deployment, Graham's Vampire went that-a-way! -->
Without the clutter!
Yeah, great plan, when the Vampire Lord moves 2 base widths, boosted by the Necromancer to give three, of which he passed 2 motivations (40cm) and then passed 3 more boosted moves (60cm extra), so, 1 metre of fast Vampire Lord and Chariots! He was back in the game, and charging my Shamen!
I threw in my Lord to try and counter this, but he was bounced, repeatedly, caused 3 wounds on Graham's Lord, but it cost me dear, I fought until he broke. The Shamen broke soon after, meaning I was in trouble.
Try again, five dice from a charge can't fail, can it?
I had broken bones of Skeleton Warriors with my Minotaurs, the Centaur archers were pinning and sniping the third warriors and the necromancer when he came back into range. The Centaurs, who had exacted their revenge on the wolves from the last game, a unit of warriors had seen off Graham's riders too.
See how we run!
Against the Vampire Lord who had just seen of my General and Mage (so no extra dice there) A unit of Minotaur Warriors stepped in, but were pushed back to the edge of the table, where the Vampire Lord's Powerful, combined with the table edge meant no save, and the Warriors perished, but he held long enough for my Centaur warriors to charge him in the rear and break his Lord. This led to a mutual destruction between the two forces.
So, still not won a game! 😉
Awesome Game :)