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Melee on the Mosaic of Madness - Burrows and Badgers bust up

"You know, it really is a magnificent piece of art."
"Even if it does have those weird, fantastical, hairless apes."
"'What age is it?"
"Somewhere over a thousand years old they think, a lost civilization left it."
"Quite formidable."
"You know what's really stunning? The way that blood just washes straight off it!"

The Clappersgate Company was sharing a bottle of port while learning on the fencing around the huge and ancient mosaic in the village of Koomb Stonesfield. The mood amoungst the Company was upbeat, wounds had been suffered, but everyone had come through the latest fight okay, even Pebbles who had been knocked unconscious. "Still, a win is a win," muttered Sir C'astle.
"Arriving early to see it, after a night kipping in a barn, great idea, especially as they don't uncover it that often." Martyn added.
"Someone must have told the Royalist gang of Black Bobby we were coming. We had no intention of fighting, just exploring and looking around, maybe finding a nice lunch, then heading off, until we spied the Royalists coming towards us." Flash pondered. "Pebbles went wide to the left, the rest spead fairly evenly."

"I took my own advice and ducked behind this fence," Sir C'astle grinned, especially as that racoon (place holder for name) and her crossbow was around.
Martyn dug him sharply in the ribs (he had already taken off his armour) "It took you three fights to realise how to duck!"

"I can't believe they hired a Red Kite! That thing is massive!" Alk added. "It did a good job distracting us from Sixpence the Sparrow on the right though."
"I notice we all went into 'iding as eeet circled, mes amis!" Arimouse added.
"Good plan to be honest!" Pebbles sat up, taking the bottle from Arimouse and taking a long glug.
"'Ow are you mes amis?" the Mousketeer asked, "ou should I ask which one are you?"
"I'm not sure whether I hate the question or the answer dear mouse!" Pebbles grinned, "but I am me for at least a while, not the angry one."

"Good move going to the top of the tower and calling out positions, Flash." Sir C'astle nodded.
"Yeah, except they were all either outside my arrow range, or kept hiding!" The Kingfisher moaned.
"Like ze rest of us!" Arimouse laughed, "we 'ad been 'ired t ambush zee Royalists too. Oui just got distracted by zee art, non?"

"The idea of teaming up against the kite was a good one though." Alk added.

"Three on one was a little harsh, even if it was a giant raptor, but it was our main chance of a kill," Sir C'astle added.
"But 'e was on 'is own, it made an easy target, non?" Arimouse shook his head.

"Especially the amount of damage we were all putting into him!" Sir C'astle took a long drink, then raising the bottle in salute at the departing Royalists.

"He must have been even easier once Martyn got into range!" Pebbles smirked, "Especially as all his armour simultaniously lost all it's straps and tumbled to the ground!"
"Shoddy workmanship!" The mouse mage whistled innocently.

"With Black Bobby and their mage sneaking up the left, I was hoping you lot would get on with it, I saw the damage he did the last time we met him!" Pebbles scowled.

"You can't rush perfection!" Alk grinned.
"Not sure it was perfection, from where I was, I could see Sixpence the sparrow sneaking off to our right." Flash laughed.

Martyn grinned, "It took you three so long that Bucky the Hare had almost reached you. That would have made the fight one-sided, the other way!"

"Oh, we took the budgie down alright," Sir C'astle gloated, "he had his wings clipped!"
"But I had to launch an ambush on that hare," Pebbles interrupted, "and I'm pretty sure that's when my head guest took over!"
"You did smash him one, it was very impressive with your beserker rage." Alk added.
"And that earned us a good few pennies, and lots of experience too." Martyn added up on his fingers (or tried to, but the port was having an effect).

Flash interrupted, "But you missed Sixpence sneaking off table as you tried taking down the two fighters,. That's got to have netted them some cash!"

"As all gentlemen should do, we sprang to your aid Pebbles, and soon enough, we had knocked over another of the Royalists, and their hare boss Bucky to boot!"
"It might have helped that all his armour fell off at the same moment!" Martyn winked.
"Coincidence that!" The shrew laughed.
I did not expect to see him wearing a string vest and pink kitty-kat boxer shorts." Pebbles giggled. "No wonder he hit the deck!" 

"That head would Alk dealt him was nasty, rumour is he has picked up berserking like Pebbles!" Sir C'astle mused.

"I did wonder if Black Bobby was going to come and fight, he was skulking behind that wall." Sir C'astle added.

"We all scrambled to your aid Pebbles." the shrew knight added "As you went after that hound."
"It's not easy under crossbow fire you know!" Alk added.

"I was not happy to see you being picked on Pebbles" Alk bowed his head in shame.
"It's alright my fenic friend, I needed a nap!" Pebbles laughed.

"I leaped the fountain, but alas, I was too late." Alk continued. "I was worried about you."
"Now there's two of me, I'll be alright!" The lizard laughed.

"Zat racoon was causing us a lot of 'urt, I mean, I took ah bolt, and 'ad to get into cover to get into range for my new pistolles!" The brave mouseketter added. "She was so well dug in ze only wounds ah did her were wiz zee stone chips from the misses!"
Martyn joined in, "She even didn't take that much damage form one of my fireballs!"

"With both the leaders down, the Royalists turned fluffy tail and ran." Flash added "Just as I was getting in on their mage, who had been lobbing lightning at me!"
"You know by doing that, you moved away from holding the largest terrain feature, the whole church. Just think how many pennies we would have made!" Martyn moaned.
"We made an awful lots as it was, 25 pennies and a pile of materials is not to be sniffed at!" Sir C'astle added.

"That kite, it was his first time out, he needs to learn," Sir C'astle mused.
"Well, we taught him to be fearsome the scars we left on his face!" Alk added.
"You got a nice new skill though."
The fox grinned, "No armour will stop me now Iffendi, and praise be, Pebbles was completely unhurt."
"My sourcez say zee Royalists got a few pennies, and I am sure I 'eard some decent labour was done." Arimouse added.
"I heard something even better..." Flash added, "as they limped off, Bucky said to Bobby that 'He would not be making their warband any bigger.' Then almost immediately they basically tripped over a slave trader who gave them a medium recruit!"
In the next few days, the gang except Pebbles and Sir C'astle went a-wandering. Martyn took Arimouse's pistols back to thge gunsmith, who retooled them and increased their accuracy. Flash hooked up with a black marketeer and got 11p worth of goodies that were put towards a phail of pain poison (they have a certain snake in mind to try this on) and a relic. Alk met an alchemist who gifted the company five healing potions, while Arimouse helped out at the local inn restocking their wine cellar for 8 more pennies. Sir C'astle decided not to wander, and laboured, building a gambling den on his own! Tails were up, whiskers primed, the gang was ready for their next fight.


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