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Last days: Zombie Apocalypse - Massacre site - Young ones vs two other gangs.

(Interior scene, student house, zombies still pawing at the window, looking bored)
(Vyvyan enters from upstairs, rest of students sitting round, watching static on TV)
Vyvyan: Well, that's bizarre, my eye has magically recovered.
(P)Rick: I'm allllllive!
(Others ignore him)
Neil: Oh no man! All our extra equipment, it's been stolen! It must be the politghost! Oh no, we're being haunted...
(Zombies outside look at each other, shrug, and continue pawing the window)
Mike: Don't stress guys, it's just the season 2 reset.
Vyvyan: Oh, I quite liked the eye patch, it made me look suave and dashing!
Neil: Katniss has gone out hunting, I did say we have plenty of lentils to last. Good thing our exchange student is here, she keeps calling herself 'The Slayer'.
Vyvyan: Good name for a band, I'll have to remember that!
Mike (to camera): I hate the way the BBC thinks that will attract a better audience!
Vyvyan: Bollocks!

 With both Chris and Andy available for games, we decided to rest our gangs to level 0, and it allowed Andy to get his rather spanking new gang on table. He had even been playing some warm-up games!

I took my usual gang,
Young Ones -
Mike: Everyday Hero, sawn-off shotgun (Leader)
Vyvyan: Tough Guy - Club (cricket bat)
Neil: Good Samaritan - Club (pan of lentils)
(P)Rick - Gang Member - Semi-Automatic
Motorhead -
Lemmy: Tough Guy - semi-automatic pistol and club (bass guitar)
Philthy Phil Taylor: Survivor - semi-automatic pistol
Fast Eddie Clarke: Survivor - semi-automatic pistol
Guest Star - 
Buffy 'The Slayer' Summers: Tough Guy - Hunting Crossbow and Stake (Dagger)

I could not afford Katniss, as this only left me with 10 Salvage Points in the bank, so I really could not afford to take massive losses.

Chris' gang was made up of a Leader, a Crony (Ray) and with a club, some goons with revolvers and a few specialists with a hunting rifle, his was the smallest gang, but would prove to be tough.
Andy's new gang had Kev (Leader) with a fire axe (heavy club), a Sergent with club and pump action shotgun, a policeman with a pump action, Madge with a breach loading shotgun, Heisenberg with a semiautomatic pistol, a sulky teenager with a dagger and a semiautomatic pistol and two kids with clubs!

Terrain set up. The right hand house is from Products For Wargamers and the burned out garage and chain fence are by TTCombat. The fence and skips are mine... Chris and Andy supplied the rest of the kits, and beautiful they looked too.

We decided to play 'Massacre Site' as it put a group of zombies, each carrying a supply case, spread around the middle. Zombies on table start by moving off towards the nearest visible survivors, meaning two heading towards Andy, one towards Chris and one to me! The fifth was stuck behind a pair of skips with no visibility, so we left him there, he would move out shortly towards Andy as he started firing! This would need rectifying or Andy would be loaded with supplies!

The Slayer lives up to her name, first shot, first dead zombie. Using a hunting crossbow means she runs out of ammunition nearly every shot, but it's silent, long range and a 'Lobotomizer 2' meaning she off zombies on a 3-6. The local pimp is impressed!

Chris' first shots also down his nearest zombie, but man, it's LOUD! Zombies are attracted to noise, so watch this spot.

Madge and Heisenberg from Andy's gang also take out a zombie. Madge pauses to reload.

That shot of Chris' instantly attracts a zombie behind him. It was a sticky one too (Meaning Chris failed his horror/courage test)!

Behind the garage, Andy's sergeant shots miss the nearest zombie, but summons a zombie. Another one appears as Kev ran last go too, which is a noisy activity. It's three on three, as Andy has a Kid in the area too (hiding beside the port-a-loo)

Chris decides the only way to shake off a sticky zombie is by battering it to pieces! -2 on the zombie's close combat roll, Ray with his cricket bat removes it's head and end's it's threat!

Multiple zombie contacts for Andy. 

Meanwhile, Philthy Phil snatches up our first supply case. Vyvyan and Neil sneak up behind the Quattro The Slayer dodges out and launches a crossbow bolt at Chris's Goon. He turns out to be Resilience 4! WOW! That takes a LOT of hitting.

Meanwhile, Lemmy and Eddie sneak down an ally, and notice Andy's Copper and the teenager reluctantly dragged along with him. 

He was more focused on the zombie that was moving towards Madge after her shots. but his teenager noticed that they were about to be in a gunfight.

Lemmy took two shot, and hit the fuzz in the arm with one. The noise now really might be an issue! Fast Eddie takes one shot and dropped the rozzer! 

The teen reacts by shooting back, the shot wounding Lemmy. Unfortunately, this summoned a zombie, more on that later..

That's one zombie downed by Chris (THWOCK) and Ray's cricket bat.

The Serge downs one zombie, but Kev and the Kid can't get the hits in to finish off their one. The second zombie facing Kev did not have the range to make it in, so will have to wait until next turn.

Vyvyan, with no respect for the Quattro, bonnet sildes across it to launch into Chris's gang. He misses, again!
Meanwhile, Chris's brown coat is hit by another crossbow bolt! Close range, strength 4, still only doing 1 wound, he's one hard nut.

Fast Eddie sneaks up unnoticed and hits Marge, while Heisenberg is tackled by an approaching zombie (one of the originals, so still has his supply case). Andy's kid does the right thing, and grabs the other dropped case and legs it!

The teen and Lemmy move into fight, it's all about dagger vs base. We gather she's not a fan, but neither could hit each other, for about an hour! 

Neil walks around the car, and approaches the out-numbered Vyvyan.

The kid scarpers, Heisenberg is still engaged with his zombie, while Fast Eddy takes a swing at Madge while she reloads. She is hit again!

Vyvyan fails to hit, AGAIN! CQC 4 and he still has not hit a thing, in three games... Buffy joins Neil in taking on the wounded brown coat. Her CQC of 4, plus stake/dagger taking her up to 5, makes her a formidable opponent indeed!

But Vyvyan is down! Mike and Rick rush to his aid (Rick had been forgotten about under a tree for about three turns, well, no-one likes him).

Buffy finishes off Brown coat.

Pimp: I'll see you later then...
Buffy closes on black jacket, while Neil steps round the corner to assist Mike against the sniper.

Meanwhile, Chris sent Ray and his gang leader over to see what was taking Andy so long! Andy had failed to deal with these two zombies for about 5 turns.

The Young Ones take on Chris's gang, both Mike and 'the Slayer' cause two wounds each, but not enough to finish their opponents.

In the allies, a zombie, attracted by the teens shots, arrives to attack her while she faces off against Lemmy. Heisenberg still can't deal with his undead, and Fast Eddie is still hitting Madge.

FINALLY Kev dispatches a zombie, and the kid grabs the case.

Madge and her tartan skirt are down. This gives Fast Eddie his second kill of the game.

Both Neil (hitting him over the head with a saucepan of lentils) and Rick both down their wounded opponents, stealing the kill points from Mike and The Slayer! Three times that happened today.
So much for Peace Neil!

With Madge down Eddie looks at the Heisenberg fight, which still is not over!

BREAK POINT TESTS! Andy, quickly counting up his forces after rolling a six, phew, he's okay!

Chris desperately searches for anything that could save him on his break test, he's only got two live characters in play, good thing he rolled a 1!

The Young Ones fan out, looking for salvage and moving off to assist Lemmy and Eddy.

Eddie steps into the Heisenberg fight, causing a wound. In the background, the kid is seen leaving with valuable salvage, while Kev charges off to deal with the approaching Ray. Meanwhile, Serge still hasn't offed his second zombie!

Reverse (and blurry) view as Kev finally works out which way round his axe goes! He offs Ray, rather spectacularly!

Heisenberg is dragged down by the zombie! 

As does the teen queen. This leave both my guys to deal with the zombies, and Lemmy soon takes his second wound! Only the eventual arrival of Neil with sustaining lentils would save him.

Kev, after dealing with Chris's forces, who break (only one man left on board, four down, he's off), swings into the fight against that remaining zombie facing the Serge. His axe severs the undead's head, and the serge breathes a sigh of relief as they slink off.

This left me in control of the table. Not a bad night's fight really. I took out one zombie (plus two off screen), five characters, took two supply cases (the last two zombies are not counted as kills, but we do get the last supply case).
I picked up 10 supply points (not so hot on 2d6 +6 as a roll), a military SMG and, most cool of all, a Squad Automatic Weapon. After three games of quiet sneakiness I suddenly have a LOT of noisy long range kit.
Rick (opening case): Blimey! What are we going to do with THAT!

After battle check-up:
Andy's gang picked up a military SMG too, and a firebomb.
His male kid gained Situational Awareness (potential to remove lock and load targeting), his girl kid picked up Heavy Lifter (literally) meaning heavy weapons and supply cases are not such a reduction.
Chris's gang,
 Ray became a first aider (re-roll injuries). Agent Smith got situational awareness and found some Climbing Gear in the supply case (much to Chris's disappointment). His sniper has a debilitating leg injury (Rick must have shot him in the leg) and Neil's scalding hot lentils had cost Chris's black coated goon an eye!
My guys did really well, taking out 1 zombie and 5 enemy gang members, their skill count was impressive.
Mike: gains Fire and Manoeuvre skill (may move 1" after shooting).
Vyvyan: injured, made full recovery (phew).
Rick: CQC goes up to 4! Might have to find him a melee weapon (or does he just bore his opponents to death)
The Slayer: gains Disarm.
Fast Eddie: Gains a resilience (he's well 'ard)
Lemmy only got 5exp, as he did not finish his Teen opponent or the zombie, so no skills for him.
Philthy Phil: gains Subdue (useful if you can get friends in the next turn for support)
And best of all Neil: gains Agriculturalist skill (2d6 supply points per game from the farm garden)

Another superb and hilarious game, look forwards to more, thanks Andy and Chris. :)



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