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Renatio et Gloriam - A Test Event - Game 2: Poles vs Huguenot French

So, sitting at the bottom of the table after one game, bruised but unbowed, my Never Victorious Poles march on, sulking slightly and demanding extra elastoplats!
The Huguenots were a Protestant sect in France in the early C16th, who attained the throne under Henri IV, and in the very capable hands of Bruce Rowlett, this was going to be a challenge.
What does this mean as far as the army is concerned?
Doesn't look much, until you consider there are 2 12s of Pike in there! That's HUGE, plus more and better generals than my mob, it has lots of interesting abilities, and worst of all, because the Keills count as double sized units, it breaks on a 8, wow. (mutter mutter).

However, my cavalry was better, and I out ranged him. Time to let the Polish foot have some fun. 😈
I forgot to take photos of deployment, oh well. My cavalry went left as Bruce had closed out the terrain on the right. Foot in the middle, then I thought I would try a Rayter on the right along with my skirmish capable foot, for a laugh!

The table was plains again...

On the right, I thought as Bruce's foot was wandering past in skirmish formation, that I would try something outrageous. I lined my Rayters up for a cheeky charge!

Meanwhile my foot manoeuvred to bring their better ranged muskets and harder pikes to try to damage as much of Bruce's line as possible. My cavalry was on a mission, kill his before his Keils could cause damage!

That is a LOT of horse flesh approaching his line. However, that Keil was going to be more of an issue that Hemel Hempsted's Magic Roundabout for a learner driver! 

 Hmm, what could I do about this lot? Well, my Rayets (out of shot bottom right) charged, and although they rode through the volley of death taking 2 kills from 6 white+ and 2 flat white dice, got into the caracole and smashed it on the charge. Forcing the accompanying foot in skirmish to evade away. However, both units died in melee, so by the end of turn 2 it was already 2-2!!

 My cards on the left were NAFF! But I did manage to get the Blue Hussars (5 games, no kills, no hope) in on Bruce's cavalry line. He has much shooting, but it did not stop the cream of Polish elite cavalry, who definitely had a point to prove. If they could ever hit, and today, on the caracole on the right, and the Cuirassiers, for only the loss of a wound. At last a decent return for their points.

The Hussars expanded, tieing down a third unit. Engaging three units by themselves, and after losing a base we had killed 4! This is a huge risk, but it is what they are actually meant to do. I was bringing up my other Rayters in support as quickly as my still naff cards would allow to support.

It was quite some hole my cavalry blew in Bruce's line. Yes, he had a MASSIVE unit there, but I was pouring in three units of fire from my muskets, he was taking losses before he could close, look 3 wounds, dakkadakkadakka.

Meanwhile, on the cavalry flank, my Blue Hussars kept inflicting the hits, but my Rayters who were sent in to support decided cowardice was the batter part of valour and left as quickly as they arrived! (2-4)

And the Keil came in! As it did, it took more shooting losses, and even combat losses. It was starting to look fraggle (or as fragile as a unit that starts on 12 and is down to 9 can look.

I had to do something about that second Keil, it was starting to bear down on my Blue Hussars, squeak! Oh look, the red hussars, who have been retiring, they might be able to distract. Meanwhile, one of my shot units is taking the wrong end of two of Bruce's shooty types.

Maybe I can charge those annoying shooty foot with my Hussars? Where the hell did that Keil come from!!  Hussars, so good that they cause wounds on black dice. It was not good though, he caught me twice and my Red Hussars, in disgrace again had to admit even they could not win that one!

The shooting on the left actually goes the way of the Poles, one of Bruce's unit's is in trouble. I have now committed three units to take on his keil, and the monster is now down to 8.

But his loose foot is moving up fast in support. However, he broke my foot with is keil, and then fell apart himself. (6-6, keil's count as 4 when lost). Just off top the left is where our two units had also mutually destroyed each other! (8-8, this was getting too close to call).

I sent in my cinc, and my  Panceri to assist the beleaguered blue hussars, who were in danger of breaking themselves, but it was a great moment for the Blues, who after 5 games finally redeemed themselves by breaking THREE units in one turn! Glory to Poland! (8-14).

At that point we timed out, in an exhausted heap. Final score 12-10 (as this is the maximum you can get for not actually breaking your opponent's force, you can utterly muller a huge force, and yet if you survive, you will only score 12, still a decent score) SO close, yet so far.
16 points so far from 30, hmm, Poles, are they worth it?

Points for improvement?
Don't try to take on Keils with Hussars. EVER.

Next up, Sunday and Round 3 vs Keith


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