Tucked around the glowing hearth of their favourite inn, the Denizens of The Well of Ashes relaxed in various sized chairs. One remained empty, but all the others, different sized and shaped so that those that sat at them were at an equal height at the table. were full. A new seat had joined those habitually used by the gang. Crouched, like a lion, a low, worn, velvet chaise longe had been salvaged from somewhere. Perched on it, thankful not to bang his head again on the low beams of the bar, sat the newest member, a large badger. Slumped next to him, the unconscious form of a mole cleric. Bowie the cat raised an eye whisker at this scene, and uttered to the throng "I know I damaged him, but I did not think the Brother was that badly injured. Is he okay, Dach?" "Ja, he is fine. He just tried to match me in drinks of brandy." The badger grunted, embarrassed, "I zink he forgets I am more massive than him." The mole snorted, and rolled over, snoring gently. ...